I have found that meal planning helps both my sanity and our budget!
If I do not have a plan, I open the fridge at 4:30 pm, scan the shelves, shut the fridge, and order pizza. With a plan, I can get meat out the night before, always have all the ingredients I need at home, and buy only what I need when grocery shopping (otherwise I would pick up this and that, come home, realize nothing really goes together, and have to go back to the store for one or two more things...waste of money, food, and time).
I do my plan monthly. I try to do one monster shopping trip getting everything that will last the entire month: cans, frozen, boxes. Then I go once a week to get milk and produce.
I do not always stick with the menu. Just because it says we will have chicken and baked potatoes on Tuesday does not mean we have to have chicken and baked potatoes on Tuesday. It's only a guideline, provides options I know I have home, and helps with our grocery money.
For breakfast we have a weekly rotation. It goes like this:
Monday: waffles & bacon
Tuesday: cereal or oatmeal
Wednesday: french toast sticks & yogurt
Friday: bagel w/ PB&J or cream cheese
Saturday: big breakfast (pancakes, omelets, etc.)
Sunday: cinnamon rolls (either at home or at chuch)
If they don't want what is on the "menu," they can have cereal, and cereal only. I make one thing for breakfast (make is a stretch...these are easy items!), and won't be a short order cook.
For lunch we have a two week rotation. It goes like this:
Monday: mac & cheese & mixed veggies / hot dog & orange
Tuesday: out to eat!
Wednesday: cheese ravioli with meat sauce / chicken nuggets, french fries, & green beans
Thursday: turkey, cheese, & pretzels / banana with peanut butter & zucchini/carrot muffin
Friday: PB&J sandwich & string cheese / hamburger helper & apples
These are all super easy, super cheap, super quick, super kid-friendly. I don't eat any of these things, but the kids sure do!
I hope you are able to find these ideas helpful. I'm not posting about how I do meals to boast or make anyone feel bad who doesn't plan. To each their own, completely!
However, I do feel that staying home, this is part of my job. I manage the home, and this is part of that. I try to see food as not only something to fill our tummy, but fuel to happily get through the day, as well as a time and reason to sit around the table as a family and laugh and share together.
Happy meal planning! I promise: it does make life easier!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas 2011.
What a perfect Christmas it was! We were busy running here and there, but had a lot of time at each place to enjoy. The company was wonderful, the gifts were more than enough, and the food made us so full we felt sick every single night. That's perfection.
We started on the 22nd with our own little family. We gave the kids their Christmas jammies, put them in the car, and made the trip to visit Santa. They all *hated* him. After that disaster we drove around and looked at Christmas lights while sucking on candy canes. Here they are before we left. This picture absolutely swells my heart:
When we got home it was present time! Maleah kept saying, "drive faster!" Dallas and I talked about our childhood and the torture of Christmas Eve when our parents would want to visit after the church service and we wanted to get home. The memories were flooding in with our own little tikes being the same exact way.
We told the kids to find a spot in the living room and we would pass out gifts. Well, by the time we came into the living room to pass out, Layla was already done opening! Oh well. :)
This present here was the hit. There have been more fights over this stupid stuff. Ugh.
And the mess, oh the mess. And the putting together toys, oh the putting together toys.
The next morning we headed to Dallas's parents. Santa made a visit, where the girls again despised the man. Other than that, it was a splendid time! Here are Rod & Bonnie with the grandchildren:
Rod made Layla a cradle for her baby this year. It is precious, and Layla loves it. So does Charlie, as you can see in the photo. After she opened it, he climbed right in, started rocking, and singing. It was sweet.
That evening we met the Hayes cousins at Polar Express at the Parkersburg High School Auditorium. They had popcorn, milk, & cookies. It was super cute.
The next morning we had this for breakfast:
At noon, Famous Dave's arrived, along with my sisters and families. We ate and played games all day. The kids disappeared and played. It was delightful. Santa, again, made a surprise visit:

That evening, we went to the Christmas Eve service. Check out my 3 beauties:

And the little ladies:
Christmas morning we dove into stockings here, then sped over to Papa & Nana's where Santa also stops. Then we repeated Christmas Eve: playing games, eating, playing games, eating. We had our nice meal late afternoon. The kids ate downstairs:
so we could actually enjoy our prime rib around this table:
Our last Christmas party was spent with the Hayes extended family. We always have a blast being together, playing games, and laughing, laughing, laughing. This year was no different. It was a great conclusion to a fabulous week of celebrating!
Here is my Grandma Hayes with all the GREAT-grandkids. Is she blessed or what:
Grandma Hayes is the most pleasant person I have possibly ever met. I have never heard this woman complain about a single thing nor a negative comment out her mouth. She is so soft-spoken, content, generous, and happy.
My sisters and I with Grandma:

This Christmas was really, really wonderful. The ages of our children made it so fun. We were able to see everyone we love so much. We are healthy. We are blessed. We thank God for his baby boy, Jesus.
We started on the 22nd with our own little family. We gave the kids their Christmas jammies, put them in the car, and made the trip to visit Santa. They all *hated* him. After that disaster we drove around and looked at Christmas lights while sucking on candy canes. Here they are before we left. This picture absolutely swells my heart:
We told the kids to find a spot in the living room and we would pass out gifts. Well, by the time we came into the living room to pass out, Layla was already done opening! Oh well. :)
This present here was the hit. There have been more fights over this stupid stuff. Ugh.
The next morning we had this for breakfast:
That evening, we went to the Christmas Eve service. Check out my 3 beauties:
And the little ladies:
Here is my Grandma Hayes with all the GREAT-grandkids. Is she blessed or what:
My sisters and I with Grandma:
This Christmas was really, really wonderful. The ages of our children made it so fun. We were able to see everyone we love so much. We are healthy. We are blessed. We thank God for his baby boy, Jesus.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas baking!
I am excited to announce that we had our first, very successful, baking day with the kids! Last year we went for the cut-out sugar cookies and both Dal and I wanted to pull our hair out. This year we opted for all things that could be scooped or dipped. It was fabulous!
We didn't announce our fun evening ahead, until moments before we were ready. The girls headed straight for the closet and got out the aprons. Every baker needs an apron:
When you start with this, you know the results will be delightful:
First on the list, scooping out peanut clusters:
Next item was dipped pretzels. You would think red or green sprinkles? Nope, pink (and LOTS of them!):

All busy at work like good little elves:

(the rest of the photos aren't coming. can i tell you how BAD i am at this!!).
We put the goodies (peanut clusters, mint dipped cookies, crackle cookies, peanut butter blossoms, pretzels with m&m's, and dipped pretzels) into Christmas containers and delivered to our neighbors.
It was such a fun time with the girls, and a great "service" project for our family. Handing OUT was a good reminder that it is more important to be a giver than a receiver. The project was so enjoyable that I hope it is one of the traditions the kids talk about growing up. What sweet, sweet times.
We didn't announce our fun evening ahead, until moments before we were ready. The girls headed straight for the closet and got out the aprons. Every baker needs an apron:
All busy at work like good little elves:
(the rest of the photos aren't coming. can i tell you how BAD i am at this!!).
We put the goodies (peanut clusters, mint dipped cookies, crackle cookies, peanut butter blossoms, pretzels with m&m's, and dipped pretzels) into Christmas containers and delivered to our neighbors.
It was such a fun time with the girls, and a great "service" project for our family. Handing OUT was a good reminder that it is more important to be a giver than a receiver. The project was so enjoyable that I hope it is one of the traditions the kids talk about growing up. What sweet, sweet times.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
charlton christmas.
We made the trip last weekend to the lovely Chatfield, Minnesota (had no idea how cute it was!). My aunt and uncle hosted at us at all the church he pastors. It was the *perfect* set-up: nursery for the kids, big kitchen, lots of room to roam, "stage" for the kids' performances, basement for the Christmas tree pinata mess, lots of bathroom space, you get the picture.
It was all sorts of fun! It was a smaller crowd, which could have possibly been a disappointment, but no way! It was actually kind of nice. I loved the conversation with my aunts/uncles/cousins/grandma, and the kids loved playing together.
It was our first Christmas without my grandpa. He spent the day in the nursing home, while we all celebrated. It was strange and sad. Considering how weird it's felt for me, I can't begin to imagine how my grandma feels. But, as always, she's a lady full of incredible grace, handling it with ease. There is no doubt she misses her love, but her *true* love is Jesus (that is VERY evident). She amazes me.
Do you think the pictures are working? Of course not. I'll try again later. For now it's sleep - we have lots of "Christmasing" to do this weekend!
Have a merry one!
It was all sorts of fun! It was a smaller crowd, which could have possibly been a disappointment, but no way! It was actually kind of nice. I loved the conversation with my aunts/uncles/cousins/grandma, and the kids loved playing together.
It was our first Christmas without my grandpa. He spent the day in the nursing home, while we all celebrated. It was strange and sad. Considering how weird it's felt for me, I can't begin to imagine how my grandma feels. But, as always, she's a lady full of incredible grace, handling it with ease. There is no doubt she misses her love, but her *true* love is Jesus (that is VERY evident). She amazes me.
Do you think the pictures are working? Of course not. I'll try again later. For now it's sleep - we have lots of "Christmasing" to do this weekend!
Have a merry one!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
It was a big weekend for the Wessels family!
Friday was Bonnie's last day of treatment to kill the nasty ol' cancer. She's been going at it since Memorial Day (her surgery), numerous times per week. The kids met her for lunch to celebrate, and then we had a "Radiation Termination Celebration" party Friday evening! More to come on that later.
Layla said to Grandma Bonnie, "Now your milks are all better - right Grandma!" I've said it before and I'll say it again: the girl makes us chuckle.
Then, on Sunday morning, another precious niece was born! We were in church, and Dallas looked down at his phone to see: "had baby in bathtub at home this morning." WHAT!!! Yes, Kaylee Mae was born at home (totally not intended to be), delivered by her daddy (again, not intended to be). She came so quickly, that as Mark was putting the kids in the car so they could head to the hospital, Angie realized there would be no time for the hospital. He came into the house and delivered his baby girl (all while the kids were in the car!)!
Angie and Kaylee are healthy, she is beautiful, and all turned out well! No doubt it was super scary for them, especially after she was born and there they sat with baby attached to Mommy, not a clue what to do. But, with the protection of the Lord, a good team of paramedics, and a Mommy and Daddy who love her and love each other, she is a gem!!
There are a lot of great things going on. We are very thankful!
Friday was Bonnie's last day of treatment to kill the nasty ol' cancer. She's been going at it since Memorial Day (her surgery), numerous times per week. The kids met her for lunch to celebrate, and then we had a "Radiation Termination Celebration" party Friday evening! More to come on that later.
Layla said to Grandma Bonnie, "Now your milks are all better - right Grandma!" I've said it before and I'll say it again: the girl makes us chuckle.
Then, on Sunday morning, another precious niece was born! We were in church, and Dallas looked down at his phone to see: "had baby in bathtub at home this morning." WHAT!!! Yes, Kaylee Mae was born at home (totally not intended to be), delivered by her daddy (again, not intended to be). She came so quickly, that as Mark was putting the kids in the car so they could head to the hospital, Angie realized there would be no time for the hospital. He came into the house and delivered his baby girl (all while the kids were in the car!)!
Angie and Kaylee are healthy, she is beautiful, and all turned out well! No doubt it was super scary for them, especially after she was born and there they sat with baby attached to Mommy, not a clue what to do. But, with the protection of the Lord, a good team of paramedics, and a Mommy and Daddy who love her and love each other, she is a gem!!
There are a lot of great things going on. We are very thankful!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
gingerbread house!
After last Christmas, I bought a gingerbread kit on super clearance. It was ideal: the house was already built! All we had to do was frost and decorate.
We did away with the frosting in no time. I don't know if it's because it was a)from Wal-Mart or 2)quite old, but my hand was in all sorts of cramps trying to make a door. We got our own frosting, and what wasn't eaten by Charlie and Layla worked perfectly!
Look at our masterpiece:
We did away with the frosting in no time. I don't know if it's because it was a)from Wal-Mart or 2)quite old, but my hand was in all sorts of cramps trying to make a door. We got our own frosting, and what wasn't eaten by Charlie and Layla worked perfectly!
Look at our masterpiece:
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Proverbs 31 Woman
I know I've posted this before. This morning we had Proverbs 31 read to us, and this came to my mind. It's both funny and encouraging, and a great reminder of our value:
"An excellent wife, who can find? She is far more precious than diamonds, stocks, or blackberries. The heart of her husband trusts in her, because he knows that she has his best interest in mind. Every day of her life, she will benefit him and he will never be sorry he married her.
She plans carefully to be sure her family enjoys delicious and nutritious meals. She even drives a long way to get the best deals at the supermarkets. She makes everyone's favorite meals and she keeps the refrigerator stocked with yummies. She gets up, sometimes before sunrise, to make breakfast for her family, pack lunches, and makes sure that everyone gets to their appointments that day. She does all this without the help of one single maid.
She has a small garden where she grows tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions. She plants all sorts of pretty flowers around the house and keeps the shrubbery looking nice, too. Her arms are strong, but her nails look terrible because she spends several hours each week scrubbing the bathtub and washing dishes. The lights in her house are on late at night because she is busy helping little children with their homework and ironing clothes for the next day.
She makes meals for the sick and elderly at her church and she takes in visiting ministers and missionaries. She writes letters to her church's missionaries and sends them special gifts at Christmas. She takes care of her parents and tries to remember the birthdays of her nieces and nephews. When shopping, she buys baby clothes for a new mom she knows that doesn't have a lot of money. When she goes to church, she works in the nursery, teaches Sunday school, and makes great dishes for the potluck. She never complains and everyone appreciates her work.
She is not afraid of the coming snow, because there are several blue plastic bins of last year's Winter clearance tucked safely int he garage. She searches for all the best deals on clothing, bedding, and linens, so her family always looks great and her house is clean, comfortable, and pretty.
Her husband is successful and well-respected because he never needs to worry about his home and children - they're in good hands. She finds clever ways to provide extra income for the family. She sells things on Ebay, transcribes medical transcripts, teaches piano lessons, babysits, sells Pampered Chef, and does freelance writing. Her friends make a lot of money working a full-time jobs, but she doesn't feel inferior because she exemplifies strength and dignity. She is irreplaceable. She knows that anyone can manage a business, but only she can manage her home.
With the precious few minutes of quiet time that she can find, she reads and prays, acquiring wisdom for herself and her family. She speaks with kindness, never gossiping or complaining, and she is a beloved mentor to younger women. She considers carefully the atmosphere at her home, and she guards it from bad behaviors and attitudes. She plays beautiful music and keeps good books accessible. She is always busy working, and she rarely has time to watch TV.
Her children are not disrespectful and they love her. Her husband cannot help but praise her. Many women are good wives, but she surpasses them all. She is not deceived by the craze for youth and beauty, and it doesn't bother her, that after having four children, her figure doesn't make the cover of Self Magazine. She knows that the crazed obsession with outward appearances and self fulfillment are silly and empty. She is confident because her life is founded on the fear of the Lord and she knows that her work is meaningful.
Don't believe me? Look around. See all that she has accomplished and the people that she has nurtured. She really doesn't need anyone's approval because her own works give her lasting joy and fulfillment, but nevertheless, she will be praised because her work and character are self-evident. "
Written by Dana Gage, in "The Well Planned Day 2009-2010 Planner"
this Christmas.
I have felt a neat stirring this Christmas season. I was just telling Dallas that I feel so great this Christmas; not pregnant, nursing, not deprived of sleep, & healthy. We have no idea what next Christmas will bring, so for now we are enjoying every single minute of it. I have decorated to the hills, attended a Christmas concert, making Christmas goodies, and taking the time to talk with my children about the magic of this season. It's been wonderful, fun, & sweet.
But there's more to it this year for me. In MOPS we took a look at Christmas through the eyes of Mary. Can you even imagine being Mary? Being so young, so innocent, and having the burden, or privelege, to carry and birth the Messiah? The words of "Mary, Did You Know" have such incredible meaning to me, as a mommy myself:
But there's more to it this year for me. In MOPS we took a look at Christmas through the eyes of Mary. Can you even imagine being Mary? Being so young, so innocent, and having the burden, or privelege, to carry and birth the Messiah? The words of "Mary, Did You Know" have such incredible meaning to me, as a mommy myself:
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy has come to make you new?
This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you.
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy will calm the storm with His hand?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kiss your little Baby you kissed the face of God?
The blind will see.
The deaf will hear.
The dead will live again.
The lame will leap.
The dumb will speak
The praises of The Lamb.
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would one day rule the nations?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
The sleeping Child you're holding is the Great, I Am.
that your Baby Boy would one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy has come to make you new?
This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you.
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy will calm the storm with His hand?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy has walked where angels trod?
When you kiss your little Baby you kissed the face of God?
The blind will see.
The deaf will hear.
The dead will live again.
The lame will leap.
The dumb will speak
The praises of The Lamb.
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know
that your Baby Boy would one day rule the nations?
Did you know
that your Baby Boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
The sleeping Child you're holding is the Great, I Am.
Then there's the perspective of Joseph. I know the pride that beamed from Dallas when his children were born. The second our children were here, we fell in love, and would protect them from absolutely anything and anyone. I can't imagine the fear and sadness of knowing your child will be beaten to death, yet the pride and victory in Him saving the world. ("Joseph's Lullaby" by MercyMe):
Go to sleep my Son
This manger for your bed
You have a long road before You
Rest Your little head
Can You feel the weight of Your glory?
Do You understand the price?
Does the Father guard Your heart for now
So You can sleep tonight?
Go to sleep my Son
Go and chase Your dreams
This world can wait for one more moment
Go and sleep in peace
I believe the glory of Heaven
Is lying in my arms tonight
Lord, I ask that He for just this moment
Simply be my child
Go to sleep my Son
Baby, close Your eyes
Soon enough You'll save the day
But for now, dear Child of mine
Oh my Jesus, Sleep tight
This manger for your bed
You have a long road before You
Rest Your little head
Can You feel the weight of Your glory?
Do You understand the price?
Does the Father guard Your heart for now
So You can sleep tonight?
Go to sleep my Son
Go and chase Your dreams
This world can wait for one more moment
Go and sleep in peace
I believe the glory of Heaven
Is lying in my arms tonight
Lord, I ask that He for just this moment
Simply be my child
Go to sleep my Son
Baby, close Your eyes
Soon enough You'll save the day
But for now, dear Child of mine
Oh my Jesus, Sleep tight
Christmas is great every year. The time together with family, the good food, playing games, getting and giving presents...it's all so wonderful! But this year, for whatever reason, Christmas is bringing me so much joy.
I imagine Dallas's grandpa spending his first Christmas in heaven and think glorious.
I think of Dal's parents' health and baby Canaan, and know life is not to be taken for granted.
I know my children are fascinated with the birth of Jesus and their nativity set.
I am so grateful for my salvation and life in Christ. His death and resurrection brought me new life, an eternity with Him, and blessings here and now.
But it all started with His birth. For that I celebrate.
I imagine Dallas's grandpa spending his first Christmas in heaven and think glorious.
I think of Dal's parents' health and baby Canaan, and know life is not to be taken for granted.
I know my children are fascinated with the birth of Jesus and their nativity set.
I am so grateful for my salvation and life in Christ. His death and resurrection brought me new life, an eternity with Him, and blessings here and now.
But it all started with His birth. For that I celebrate.
Monday, December 5, 2011
kick-off to the holidays!
Last weekend we took the 4.5-5 hour trip to Lincoln to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and sisters. It was so much fun! We thought it might not happen with all the sickness, but we decided to go for it. Erica was so prepared, the food was awesome, the kids had a blast, and it was a great weekend!
Dallas with his Thanksgiving FEAST.
Kids table, with cute activity place mat.
Other kids table.
Here are the kids doing a "concert." They are at such a fun age!
It was a lovely weekend. We all had so much to be thankful for, but the biggest news of the weekend came from Lydia who exclaimed, "My mommy's having a baby!" Yes, Mark and Erica are expecting #5. Another niece or nephew to love - woo hoo!!
This past weekend we packed up for another long weekend trip, this time to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, for the Wessels extended family Christmas. It's anywhere between 5ish-7 hours, depending on traffic and stops. On the way out we hit traffic horribly, and had to make stops. On the way back we flew (hallelujah!).
It was a lot of visiting, and eating, and visiting, and eating.
I love this family. It's a lot of playing games and snacking. Yes!!
The cute gal in the above photo holding the cards in the white sweater is Courtney. She did the "program" this year for Christmas, and did fabulous! She accepted Christ this year and has transformed her life. She told everyone of her new decision, showered everybody with compliments, spoke the sweetest words to her mother and Grandma Lois, and remembered Grandpa Ralph. It was so heart-warming. We couldn't be more thrilled for her!
Dallas & Grandma Lois.
This past weekend we packed up for another long weekend trip, this time to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, for the Wessels extended family Christmas. It's anywhere between 5ish-7 hours, depending on traffic and stops. On the way out we hit traffic horribly, and had to make stops. On the way back we flew (hallelujah!).
The cute gal in the above photo holding the cards in the white sweater is Courtney. She did the "program" this year for Christmas, and did fabulous! She accepted Christ this year and has transformed her life. She told everyone of her new decision, showered everybody with compliments, spoke the sweetest words to her mother and Grandma Lois, and remembered Grandpa Ralph. It was so heart-warming. We couldn't be more thrilled for her!
This is her first Christmas in years without the love of her life. It was very emotional and sad, as everybody missed him. But we celebrated by talking about his first Christmas in heaven! It was bitterwsweet, for sure.
Playing cards at the Salm's.
We stayed with this fun family! Ryan and Stacy welcomed us, gave us their bedroom, and fed us. We loved hanging out with them! We only see them once a year, but it's tons of fun when we do finally get together!
Lexi, Layla, Caleb, Maleah.
Ryan and Stacy's kiddos and ours got along fantastic!! Lexi and Layla disappeared and played and played and played. They were "best friends" in no time.
It was a fast, but great weekend! We couldn't be more thankful for all the cousins we have. I always tell Dallas that his Wessels family is so unique. You can see how much they all love each other, and it is a lot!! We only get together with everyone at Christmas every year, but the laughs and tears make it a precious time. We already can't wait for next year!
It was a fast, but great weekend! We couldn't be more thankful for all the cousins we have. I always tell Dallas that his Wessels family is so unique. You can see how much they all love each other, and it is a lot!! We only get together with everyone at Christmas every year, but the laughs and tears make it a precious time. We already can't wait for next year!
Monday, November 28, 2011
It was a wonderful Thanksgiving! More on the logistics later. For now, I am thankful...
1. My Lord and Savior. I can't imagine not having the hope of eternal life, the promises that I can stake my life on, the grace I am offered every day while trying to do my best but failing, the love I receive with no strings attached, the blessings that abound, and the list goes on and on. I am so incredibly grateful for my relationship with Jesus. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I can be everything.
2. My husband & children. They are my greatest gifts here on this earth and daily pictures of joy and grace. I love, love, love, love, love them.
3. My parents & sisters. Coming off of a weekend with all of them, I feel on top of the world. They are some of very favorite people. I am so thankful that we not only get along, but actually love being together.
4. My friends. We have the best small group and friends in the world. I am a "community, live life together" type of person. I love being surrounded by like-minded, loyal, geuine, people who support and encourage Dal and I, and giving my children pals who will make lifelong memories together.
The list goes on: our church, The Grove, MOPS, our home, good health, my nieces and nephews, our landlords who not only believe in Dallas, but offer love and support along the way, a safe community, an attached garage, you get the picture...we are blessed!!!
1. My Lord and Savior. I can't imagine not having the hope of eternal life, the promises that I can stake my life on, the grace I am offered every day while trying to do my best but failing, the love I receive with no strings attached, the blessings that abound, and the list goes on and on. I am so incredibly grateful for my relationship with Jesus. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I can be everything.
2. My husband & children. They are my greatest gifts here on this earth and daily pictures of joy and grace. I love, love, love, love, love them.
3. My parents & sisters. Coming off of a weekend with all of them, I feel on top of the world. They are some of very favorite people. I am so thankful that we not only get along, but actually love being together.
4. My friends. We have the best small group and friends in the world. I am a "community, live life together" type of person. I love being surrounded by like-minded, loyal, geuine, people who support and encourage Dal and I, and giving my children pals who will make lifelong memories together.
The list goes on: our church, The Grove, MOPS, our home, good health, my nieces and nephews, our landlords who not only believe in Dallas, but offer love and support along the way, a safe community, an attached garage, you get the picture...we are blessed!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
sick & tired (of being sick & tired!).
Last month I was struck with strep throat. (while dallas was in the field outrageous hours of the day & night, with the kids, all by myself)
Two weeks ago we were all struck with the dreaded stomach flu. (charlie with the flu=vomit EVERYWHERE):

it was a lot of laying around:

you know, when you are so miserable you will lay anywhere, even the kitchen floor:

Then today, we discovered sweet pea Maleah has pneumonia:
She has a horrific cough, doesn't eat a thing (has lost 2 pounds in 6 days), and feels super punk. We spent 3 hours at the doctor this morning between x-rays, blood tests, and visiting with the doctors/nurses coming up with a plan.
I can not believe I am saying this but: it all hasn't been that bad. Of course I hate being sick and seeing my lovies sick, but everyone's attitudes have been very good. I am so thankful for that.
Having said that, we are ready for good health!! Next year we'll say, "remember last year...when we had strep, flu, and pneumonia in one month!" Sounds great to be talking in hindsight.
We will be sticking around here until Maleah heals a bit. I got lots of movies at the library today, and I am looking forward to snuggling and hanging low (but incredibly sad to be missing Thanksgiving day with family!).
Hope you all are healthy!!!
p.s. i felt so weird taking pictures of us sick. but remember, this is my 'diary' and i want to look back and say 'wow - remember that!' sorry if it seems strange to you. it's for 'documenting' purposes only. :)
Two weeks ago we were all struck with the dreaded stomach flu. (charlie with the flu=vomit EVERYWHERE):
it was a lot of laying around:
you know, when you are so miserable you will lay anywhere, even the kitchen floor:
Then today, we discovered sweet pea Maleah has pneumonia:
I can not believe I am saying this but: it all hasn't been that bad. Of course I hate being sick and seeing my lovies sick, but everyone's attitudes have been very good. I am so thankful for that.
Having said that, we are ready for good health!! Next year we'll say, "remember last year...when we had strep, flu, and pneumonia in one month!" Sounds great to be talking in hindsight.
We will be sticking around here until Maleah heals a bit. I got lots of movies at the library today, and I am looking forward to snuggling and hanging low (but incredibly sad to be missing Thanksgiving day with family!).
Hope you all are healthy!!!
p.s. i felt so weird taking pictures of us sick. but remember, this is my 'diary' and i want to look back and say 'wow - remember that!' sorry if it seems strange to you. it's for 'documenting' purposes only. :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
our ballerina.
Last week was "visit day" at Maleah's dance class. I was so excited to see what actually happens during the hour she's there every week. You wonder what they do, how she acts, how beneficial it is, on and on.
It was so fun to watch her! I was so, very proud of what a good girl she was. She was very obedient with her teacher, not disruptive, and was trying very hard. She made her momma proud.
Here's some photos of our ballerina:

It was so fun to watch her! I was so, very proud of what a good girl she was. She was very obedient with her teacher, not disruptive, and was trying very hard. She made her momma proud.
Here's some photos of our ballerina:
Party of Three.
Last Friday, I took the girls to the tearoom in Aplington (Peppercorn Pantry, a must try place!) for a tea party. We put on fancy dresses, lip gloss, and were on our way. I had two very excited little girls!
We first went to the library. I picked out a couple different books on tea parties and let them choose out of those. Of course Maleah picked Fancy Nancy, and of course Layla picked the one about the pigs. They are so different. I love that so much:
We talked about etiquette and being ladies. It was so sweet. Layla fell off her chair twice (the dress or the wind took her down). Otherwise, it was very successful!
Complete with hot chocolate:
And dessert:
I love sweet moments like these.
We first went to the library. I picked out a couple different books on tea parties and let them choose out of those. Of course Maleah picked Fancy Nancy, and of course Layla picked the one about the pigs. They are so different. I love that so much:
Thursday, November 10, 2011
We are in the process of having our upstairs bathroom remodeled. It has been super fun to see the transformation! But, a little strange, having other people (men) in your home most of the day. You feel as though you can't do what you normally do, but you can't do nothing either. During this time, we have become good pals with the guys (workers, as Layla calls them) and I can't wait to tell you about how we've all had heart changes and blessings from one another. One of the major bummers of the whole thing is that the kids haven't been able to sleep as normal. They get here early, waking Charlie up. And naptime is a total crapshoot. Sometimes it sounds as though the whole house is going to fall down. But today? All three are sleeping! Hallelujah!
I love babies. I really love babies. And I feel as though I would be content to always have a baby. Like any young family, we go back and forth with the million dollar question: are you done having kids? While we aren't sure, this week I have had a couple realizations. Both Tuesday morning (Bible Study) and Thursday morning (MOPS) at church, I held other people's babies. It was so nice to be able to bless someone else and give another mommy a break. While I'm not going to choose my family size based on everyone else, it's been really great to be the one giving and loving. For the last four years, people have helped me out by opening doors for me, holding my baby, helping me get set up for nursing, on and on. To be on the other side of that feels good.
I stopped at Diamond Vogel to get another gallon of paint today, and the man said, "I heard you have such well behaved children." He went on about what he heard, both good and bad. I'm not saying this to brag, but let me tell you, it felt so good to hear. I am trying so hard to intentionally raise *very* good, sweet, generous, well-behaved children. Sometimes it feels as though I am getting absolutely nowhere. Last night the babysitter couldn't say enough good things, and today the paint man was impressed too. I don't need my work to be shown. But it feels so good that all I am doing isn't for not. I plan on telling other mommas the same. What an encouragement.
Today is "visit day" for Maleah's dance class. I am so excited to see her in action. We went to MOPS this morning, where I leave feeling so lifted up and filled with great ideas. I have chili in the crock pot, homemade bread in the machine, and caramel bars in the oven. Everyday isn't roses, but today is.
Happy Thursday, friends!
I love babies. I really love babies. And I feel as though I would be content to always have a baby. Like any young family, we go back and forth with the million dollar question: are you done having kids? While we aren't sure, this week I have had a couple realizations. Both Tuesday morning (Bible Study) and Thursday morning (MOPS) at church, I held other people's babies. It was so nice to be able to bless someone else and give another mommy a break. While I'm not going to choose my family size based on everyone else, it's been really great to be the one giving and loving. For the last four years, people have helped me out by opening doors for me, holding my baby, helping me get set up for nursing, on and on. To be on the other side of that feels good.
I stopped at Diamond Vogel to get another gallon of paint today, and the man said, "I heard you have such well behaved children." He went on about what he heard, both good and bad. I'm not saying this to brag, but let me tell you, it felt so good to hear. I am trying so hard to intentionally raise *very* good, sweet, generous, well-behaved children. Sometimes it feels as though I am getting absolutely nowhere. Last night the babysitter couldn't say enough good things, and today the paint man was impressed too. I don't need my work to be shown. But it feels so good that all I am doing isn't for not. I plan on telling other mommas the same. What an encouragement.
Today is "visit day" for Maleah's dance class. I am so excited to see her in action. We went to MOPS this morning, where I leave feeling so lifted up and filled with great ideas. I have chili in the crock pot, homemade bread in the machine, and caramel bars in the oven. Everyday isn't roses, but today is.
Happy Thursday, friends!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
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