Friday, April 29, 2011

Brother Bear.

Charlie at 8 months old!!

While the girls still absolutely adore their brother, that may change soon as he is starting to move it. While he still doesn't roll over (lazy!), he maneuvers his way from point A to point B by scooting, stretching, sitting up, sitting closer, stretching, and a little scoot.

He is still the absolute happiest baby. Ever.

His smile is still to die for. And his eyelashes too.

We gave him table food the other night, and he was in complete disgust with us. He wrinkled up his nose and shook his head while gagging.

While he started off as a wonderful sleeper, he is waking up from time to time during the night. Not sure if he's hungry or just looking for some company. I'm guessing he just wants to see his mommy or daddy. I'm blessed enough to see him all day, so don't really feel the need to see him during the night too! :)

He is 3/4 of the way to one year. Crazy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

One More Photo.

After the party.
My mom & sisters.
My very favorite ladies in the whole wide world.


I am very happy to report that Erica and I successfully pulled one over on Alisa! And, surprised she was!!

After watching Alisa endure too much heartache the last couple years and seeing her fight for this baby, we decided we needed to celebrate our sweet nephew's life. We decided to go with the theme: Life is a Gift. And, that it is. Nothing to be taken granted for.

We schemed and schemed, kept secrets, and lied through our teeth. It was very difficult, especially the day of the party! But, oh so worth it. Here's a few photos:

She was VERY surprised! So much so I think it was hard for her to even take it all in!

A bunch of mommas out for the night. We wanted them to feel spoiled and ENJOY!

Scratch Cupcakes. You know it!

She got some super gifts. Necessities and fun things, too! This gift was very special to her.

We played Scattergories, baby style. It got quite intense.

It was such a fun night, just hanging out with friends and celebrating baby boy's life! Thanks to everyone who came, and a special thank you to Abby for coming all the way, spending the day with Alisa, and getting her to the party!

I can not wait to meet my nephew! I know his brothers and mommy and daddy have been waiting for him, praying for him, and are anxiously awaiting his arrival. He is one blessed little boy.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Layla's Appointment.

Here's what we found out at Layla's appointment today:

Most probable: Something "structural." Meaning, a valve doesn't open or shut as it should, there's a kink in her intestine, something is irritated or rubbing wrong causing air, gas, vomit to come out, etc.. On April 19th, Layla has another appointment. She will drink barium and they will take many pictures of her (x-ray) as it digests and goes through her system. She has to have fasted. And, the procedure will take hours they said. Please pray for us!

Other options: Celiac disease. She was tested for this today. Will know the results in a couple of days. Bacteria of some sort. I think this would be found through a scope? This is also an option as her gas (burps and toots) are very, very stinky. Brain lesions. These are often discovered through vomiting during nighttime. However, since Layla's vomiting is intermittent, probably not. Even so, not even going there! Some syndrome or disorder that they explained as migraines in the stomach. Didn't exactly understand all about this.

Today was a big talk, talk, talk day. Unfortunately, Dallas was in and out so much with Layla having to go potty, so he didn't hear much. I felt so overwhelmed when we left with everything she threw at me, and can hardly remember what went on!

I know she for sure thinks this warrants further investigation. I also know the team down there is awesome. She was explaining that they are a tight group of five, and all communicate often about their cases. They feed off each other and offer ideas and insight. Good to hear, considering they are dealing with my precious gem. I also am positive that Layla was awesome! She is the best little patient. They even said so! After they drew her blood she told them, "Thank you." She always picked out two stickers, one for her and one for Mamena. Made her mommy and daddy very proud. But, what I am most certain of, is that Jesus is the ultimate Healer. Of course thinking of all the possibilities and the road to finding them (scope, drinking metal, potential surgery at some point, etc.) is terrifying to a momma. But I have access to the One who performs miracles, the One who cares more about her than even I do, and the One who already knows everything that is going to happen.

Thank you, everyone, so much for caring. I can not thank you enough.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Highs and Lows.

Oh the life of a momma, and all the highs and lows that come with it. When things are good, they are good. When things are bad, they seem just horrible. Please tell me I'm not the only one.

High: My husband & father have started field work! It's such an exciting time for them. We have watched the snow come, the snow go, the snow come, the snow go, and viola - the beauty of spring is finally here! I love to see how hard Dallas works during this time. He takes his job very seriously, and does his absolute best. I am very proud of him.

Low: The task of taking care for 3 very young children weeks upon weeks by myself, from sun up to sun down, Monday through Saturday, is a little daunting. I get tired. Quite honestly, I get a little sick of the same *sweet* faces every day. An adult conversation at night would sure be nice. But, it's my life. I signed up for it. And believe it or not, I love it.

High: Layla is completely potty trained! Hallelujah!

Low: She bit Maleah this morning and left a good ol' mark. Really, Layla?

High: Maleah completed a 100-piece puzzle all by herself. Watching her learn and seeing her mind work so hard is very rewarding as a mommy. It's fun to see her grow and develop.

Low: I've got a killer cold. I knew it was coming. I've dreaded the moment I woke up with my head pounding and nose running like crazy. Today was the day. And mommies don't get sick days.

I woke up this morning feeling very overwhelmed. The thought of Dallas being gone for weeks, the fact that the girls went to bed 2 hours later than normal and woke up an hour earlier than normal wasn't exactly exciting, and my head beating outside of itself was not a good combination.

So, around the table we all went. We put worship music on the computer (Layla is convinced every musician is Uncle Chris; melts my heart), I helped Maleah with puzzles, Charlie and Carson were playing wonderfully, and over in the corner was Layla with her hands raised, singing her little heart out. And I realized, all is well.

The highs and lows are so worth it. Every minute of it. Every minute of every day is not peachy, no doubt. But, the overall picture is. And the prize at the end of the day: when all the children are happily sleeping in their beds, Dallas gets to come home to the place he gets refreshed and recharged for another hard day's work, and I have the satisfaction of knowing I am doing what I'm called to do as wife and mom, makes it all come together perfectly.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

This & That.

We welcomed this week as: normal. Hallelujah!

Maleah took on the new job of cutting strawberries. I cut off the tops, no worry. Then she stood the little sucker up and cut right down. She was very, VERY proud! It's nice to have an extra set of hands around. :)

The three amigos, all on big sis's lap. Very typical.

Our sweet buddy boy turned 7 months!

We've loved the nicer weather! Here I am with our precious cargo. They make sure we stick to our running, I'll tell you that much. You try to stop and they yell, "RUN!"

Charlie is now thoroughly enjoying puffs. Layla makes sure he is always stocked (obviously).

The girls had a sleepover Friday night at Aunt Gigi's house. Wesley and Linde blew up balloons for them and they even got to go to "Old McDonald," according to Maleah, and "E-I-E-I-O," according to Layla. I'm sure they had a great time, because when I showed up to pick them up Layla cried and wanted Angie only. Thanks, girly.

Unfortunately for Angie (but of course she was awesome about it), Layla had another vomiting episode. We have decided to keep her appointment in Iowa City, because when she isn't throwing up during the night, she's hiccuping. It's a strange, strange thing. And I would be more than pleased if they decided it's all just a crazy fluke.

While the girls were having fun with the cousins, Charlie was hanging out with Nana & Papa, and Dal and I were at the Outdoorsman Cabin Fever event at church. This year had an exceptional turnout, with around 450 men! Dallas's guests enjoyed the event, and I had a grand time serving all the men. It's an awesome ministry, and we feel privileged to be a part of such a wonderful thing.

We've had lots of friends having babies! Last night we delivered a meal to one family, went to church, then spent way too much time at Culver's. The girls thought it was the cat's meow: eating ice cream at a restaurant at 8:30 at night. Today's been a hang out and catch up day. It's been so lovely.