Part of me feels like our wedding day was just yesterday, while the other part feels like I've been with Dallas forever. I married young, no doubt. And the only thing I say I would do differently is marry sooner. I was not about to live another day without my love.
Five years later, and I love him even more.
We were able to get away for the night and enjoy each other, and only each other. It was lovely.
We enjoyed a delicious supper together at Black's Steakhouse, downtown Waterloo. It is gorgeous in there, and the food was wonderful:

We ate upstairs, then headed downstairs where we parked it on a couch and listened to some piano playing. So relaxing:

After supper we walked along the river. It was a beautiful evening:

My stellar husband surprised me with this gorgeous ring. It has five links for five years. He is the best. I am so loved:

Then, we ventured to Cedar Falls and stayed in the very room we stayed the night of our wedding. It was just precious. We talked and talked about our wedding day, where five years has taken us, and where we think the next five will. There are bound to be great times and bad times, but there is no doubt in my mind they will all be better with my best friend by my side.
The next morning we were able to enjoy breakfast without cutting up somebody else's food (score), then went shopping for a bit. He sat in a chair while I tried on loads of clothes for him. It was so much fun. He is quite the trooper.
Thank you so much, Dallas, for all you do for me. I consider myself so blessed. The way you love me is incredible. You provided me with our three most precious gifts, and you provide for us daily so I can commit myself to raising them and giving them our best. I always feel very appreciated for my hard work, and I have so much respect for your hard work. Together we make everything come together. I would want to be a team with nobody but you.

I love you. So much.