Monday, June 20, 2011


A happy momma and her sweet peas:

Looking at these photos makes my heart overflow with happiness and gratitude. Not every day is roses around here. But these three make my life so full and worth while. I love being their mommy.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me a daily picture of JOY.

To Our Parents

Mother's Day and Father's Day weekend came and went and I didn't have a special post to our parents. But that isn't to say Dallas and I didn't talk and talk about how incredibly blessed we have been by the generation before us.

Mom & Dad:

I have always felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I feel so proud to call you my parents.

Mom, all my friends rant and rave about you, and I totally get why. And they don't even know you like I do. You are the most caring person I know. Your hospitality makes everyone feel spoiled rotten. You have always made your family first. My children adore you. We can talk for hours. I feel so comfortable being in your presence. Your heart for taking people under your wing is incredible. You have given me the best example of a woman after God's own heart, and I can not thank you enough. I'm not even sure if you have any idea how much I love you. Know that you are a treasure to me, my husband, and my children.

Dad, I love when people say we are a lot alike. Like you is exactly what I want to be. You have always shown us what it means to work hard. I remember you having me dress up in high school for tests, so my performance would be at its very best. And everytime we walked out the door we would hear, "Go hard!" I'm pretty sure I was drawn to Dallas because he reminds me so much of you. Thank you for showing me what a great guy is and setting the bar high. While you are so practical and logical, I love how I feel so cared for by you. I love your sensitive side and your stoic side. More than anything, I love to make you proud.

My mom and dad in-law:

I love hearing Dallas laugh as he tells me stories of his childhood. Sounds like you had some really great times as a family! Your sacrifice to give your children your very best did not go unseen. Dallas felt so taken care of and loved. Thank you for showing him the value of work ethic and responsibility. Now he can give his children the same feeling of security as he supports his family and works hard to provide our every need.

More than anything, know that you guys gave me the best gift I've been given here on this earth. That is my husband. Thank you so much for birthing him, raising him, and letting him go. Being a mom now, I understand the amount of trust that goes with handing off your children. Thank you so much for trusting me with your son. Know that I adore him. I have an incredible amount of respect for him. I love him to absolute pieces and will do whatever it takes to give him a lifetime of happiness.

Love to you all,

Splendid Weekend

It was another fabulous weekend! Friday evening and Saturday morning, Dallas helped his grandparents with landscaping. The kids and I supervised and cheered everyone on. To be completely honest, sometimes I fee like iiiiiii want my husband. I start to feel sorry that I'm sitting by myself on a Friday evening. But the truth is, I am so proud of my husband and love his servant heart. His work does not go unseen.

Saturday afternoon we ventured to Pine Lake with my parents and the John family. We stepped out of the truck and Maleah asked, with her nose crunched up, "Are there bugs here?" I love her. Then there's Layla, the dirty little piggy. I love her. And Charlie, eating sticks and dirt and chicken bones. I love him. We fished (good try, but not for the Wessels family), biked, enjoyed some good grub, and watched the kids play and play. The bathtub was filthy dirty from the kids. That is a sign of a good time.

Sunday morning we went to church. You know you belong to the most excellent church when your whole family is so excited it's a Sunday morning! Everybody took naps (hallelujah!), then we got ready for our company. Dallas's family came out for supper, snacks, and s'mores. The kids played so wonderfully and everyone cried when it was time to go home. That is a sign of a great night.

Here's some photos of our time at Pine Lake. I love these photos, but so bummed they're the only ones of the weekend. Enjoy:

Thursday, June 16, 2011


The pancakes the other night were a hit, at least for this little man. Check out the cuteness:

(The little monster figured out his tray could come up. He laughed every time. I did not.)

The look of pure delight.

It's a rough life...

...but somebody's gotta do it.

Looks really hard to be them, doesn't it? I love naptime. Let me repeat: I love naptime. Don't they look so angelic when they are sleeping:

Then there's this guy. Everybody wonders what he does all summer long (no offense to y'all, but I hate that if he has nothing to d0). Anyway, the answer? He plays (er, works) in the dirt!
Three precious, sleeping, kiddos & a sexy, hard-working, husband. My life isn't too rough either.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

One of those days.

The air could hardly keep up yesterday. Today I am trying to resist the temptation of cranking up the heat. Only in Iowa, folks.

Maleah begged to put on her pajamas at 1:30 this afternoon. Surely, why not.

We are having pancakes for supper. Easy and grilling doesn't sound so fun to Dallas tonight.

It was actually my idea that the girls don't take a nap today. Instead, I will send them to bed at 6:00 tonight. Thankfully they're playing wonderfully. I think they know they're supposed to be sleeping. Isn't being awake extra awesome when you know your mom really could make you go to bed?

I'm so glad I played outside with the kids this morning and early afternoon. I think we'll be complete couch potatoes, watching movies, the rest of the day. It's dark and dreary. Perfect lazy weather.

It's just one of those days.
I think I'll join Maleah in the jammie department.
Dallas isn't a fan of breakfast for dinner, but the weather says tonight it will be okay.
I love naptime, even though today we're forgoing it altogether.
We aren't much for laziness. But today it's more than welcomed.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

VBS Day 2...

was just as exciting as the first!

Maleah requested her hair up in a ponytail with a pink headband. I'm thinking we might be in trouble when the real deal school begins for her.

It didn't take long for little sis to catch on. While getting things ready to go, Layla runs out yelling, "I'm ready for school too!" looking like this:

Then, Maleah demanded another picture to be taken. Again, can you imagine doing this every day for an entire school year? Number two decided she should be included this time:

It's been really nice. Maleah is loving her mornings, and so am I. We come home and lay Charlie down for a nap, and I get some one-on-one time with Layla. It's been wonderful. All that to say, we are very ready to get Maleah when 11 comes around. It feels strange without her. I can't imagine scurrying to get everyone ready and out the door every morning before 8:00. In only two days I have come to learn how much I appreciate and love our slow mornings together.

Thought I would take a picture of Layla and I hanging out, and seriously, this is what I got. She is so funny:

I'm feeling blessed for this fun week, for Maleah getting the opportunity to learn about Jesus with lots of friends, and for the time alone with Layla. Feeling most fortunate that these days are not "normal" for us, and that "normal" means jammies, snuggles, relaxation, and just being together!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Banana Pops

I'm always looking for something new, fun, unusual, yet nutritious, for a snack. And, isn't anything frozen especially wonderful in this heat? Check them out...Banana Pops:

1. Peel a banana. Break it in half. Insert popsicle stick. Freeze.

2. Hours later...Melt chocolate chips & vegetable oil (just makes the chocolate chips smoother). I use chocolate almond bark. It melts so nicely and very creamy. Dip the banana in the chocolate.

3. Roll in granola (this is what I used), nuts, cheerios, whatever you wish. Be aware that the chocolate hardens quickly. You have limited time to roll the bananas.

4. Freeze again.

Enjoy! Pull them out of the freezer anytime and have a nice, healthy, delicious snack! Great for kids, and I'm looking forward to one myself.

Canaan Dean John

One week ago today, I added another sweet nephew to my list of favorite little boys. He is healthy, cute as can be, and very loved by his two big brothers. He's such an easy baby, and the John family is getting along great! We could not be more happy for them.

Meet Canaan Dean:

It was so neat to be able to celebrate the life of Canaan. After dealing with the incredible heartache and guilt of being pregnant during Alisa's time of frustration and hurt, to see everything come full circle was so welcomed. Charlie and Canaan were due 9 months to the day apart (you don't even have to believe in Jesus to see that that's just awesome!), and were born just one day shy of those 9 months. I can't wait to see them grow up together. There is no doubt they will be best buds.

Layla probably gets the award for being most excited. Every.single.time she saw Alisa throughout pregnancy, or even had a glance at the car seat, she would just laugh and squeal. She was so happy to see baby boy:

And, Maleah has another little cousin to care for. She is such a mother hen:

I remember Alisa visiting us in the hospital after the birth of Charlie, and just thinking "Lord, please! Just please give them a baby. They deserve a baby. They desire a baby so badly. They should be able to have a baby!"

I was so afraid that Charlie was going to be constant reminder of pain and loss. I was so afraid that my sister would resent me. I was afraid that our family was a reminder of what their family was not. These fears were lies.

Now I see our families, I see Charlie and Canaan, I see Alisa as mommy, and I see: goodness, faithfulness, love, perfection. Nothing goes unredeemed. This is truth.

Welcome to the family, Canaan. We love you so incredibly much.


I sent this giddy little girl to Vacation Bible School this morning. Dallas gave her his Bible from when he was little last night, and she carried it around all morning, waiting for it to finally be time to go! She also wanted me to curl her hair and put on lipstick. Oh sweetie, it's only VBS. :)

This morning was just another reminder that time is a ticking away and the kids are growing up so quickly. It's very bittersweet.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5 Year Anniversary

Part of me feels like our wedding day was just yesterday, while the other part feels like I've been with Dallas forever. I married young, no doubt. And the only thing I say I would do differently is marry sooner. I was not about to live another day without my love.

Five years later, and I love him even more.

We were able to get away for the night and enjoy each other, and only each other. It was lovely.

We enjoyed a delicious supper together at Black's Steakhouse, downtown Waterloo. It is gorgeous in there, and the food was wonderful:

We ate upstairs, then headed downstairs where we parked it on a couch and listened to some piano playing. So relaxing:

After supper we walked along the river. It was a beautiful evening:

My stellar husband surprised me with this gorgeous ring. It has five links for five years. He is the best. I am so loved:

Then, we ventured to Cedar Falls and stayed in the very room we stayed the night of our wedding. It was just precious. We talked and talked about our wedding day, where five years has taken us, and where we think the next five will. There are bound to be great times and bad times, but there is no doubt in my mind they will all be better with my best friend by my side.

The next morning we were able to enjoy breakfast without cutting up somebody else's food (score), then went shopping for a bit. He sat in a chair while I tried on loads of clothes for him. It was so much fun. He is quite the trooper.

Thank you so much, Dallas, for all you do for me. I consider myself so blessed. The way you love me is incredible. You provided me with our three most precious gifts, and you provide for us daily so I can commit myself to raising them and giving them our best. I always feel very appreciated for my hard work, and I have so much respect for your hard work. Together we make everything come together. I would want to be a team with nobody but you.

I love you. So much.

Looks like I'm not the only tired one: