I convinced Jacinda (friend, college roomate, cousin) to do it with me. After talking, we decided to ask our dads to come along too, and do the race as relays. We decided it would be fun and memorable and a great dad/daughter event!
Let the pictures tell the rest of the story...
The swim: 500 meters.
This is our wave (about 20 people? There were 400 participants total).
The water was FREEZING. The air was FREEZING. We were FROZEN.
This was the most discouraging part for me, because we weren't even able to swim. It was so cold most people were just doggy paddling, some riding the rope, just trying to get there and back. About halfway back I was able to put my face in the water, and cruised right along. I kept thinking 'you should have done this earlier', but I absolutely could not.
Let me say it again, it was cold!!!
This is our wave (about 20 people? There were 400 participants total).
The water was FREEZING. The air was FREEZING. We were FROZEN.
This was the most discouraging part for me, because we weren't even able to swim. It was so cold most people were just doggy paddling, some riding the rope, just trying to get there and back. About halfway back I was able to put my face in the water, and cruised right along. I kept thinking 'you should have done this earlier', but I absolutely could not.
Let me say it again, it was cold!!!
And some extra photos...
Jacinda and I, trying to warm up:

And now I can check an item off my bucket list. It was fun (but cold)!
I will for sure do it again, but not in the frigid temperatures.
I'm glad to have it behind me, but loved every minute of it.