It was a wonderful Thanksgiving! More on the logistics later. For now, I am thankful...
1. My Lord and Savior. I can't imagine not having the hope of eternal life, the promises that I can stake my life on, the grace I am offered every day while trying to do my best but failing, the love I receive with no strings attached, the blessings that abound, and the list goes on and on. I am so incredibly grateful for my relationship with Jesus. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I can be everything.
2. My husband & children. They are my greatest gifts here on this earth and daily pictures of joy and grace. I love, love, love, love, love them.
3. My parents & sisters. Coming off of a weekend with all of them, I feel on top of the world. They are some of very favorite people. I am so thankful that we not only get along, but actually love being together.
4. My friends. We have the best small group and friends in the world. I am a "community, live life together" type of person. I love being surrounded by like-minded, loyal, geuine, people who support and encourage Dal and I, and giving my children pals who will make lifelong memories together.
The list goes on: our church, The Grove, MOPS, our home, good health, my nieces and nephews, our landlords who not only believe in Dallas, but offer love and support along the way, a safe community, an attached garage, you get the picture...we are blessed!!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
sick & tired (of being sick & tired!).
Last month I was struck with strep throat. (while dallas was in the field outrageous hours of the day & night, with the kids, all by myself)
Two weeks ago we were all struck with the dreaded stomach flu. (charlie with the flu=vomit EVERYWHERE):

it was a lot of laying around:

you know, when you are so miserable you will lay anywhere, even the kitchen floor:

Then today, we discovered sweet pea Maleah has pneumonia:
She has a horrific cough, doesn't eat a thing (has lost 2 pounds in 6 days), and feels super punk. We spent 3 hours at the doctor this morning between x-rays, blood tests, and visiting with the doctors/nurses coming up with a plan.
I can not believe I am saying this but: it all hasn't been that bad. Of course I hate being sick and seeing my lovies sick, but everyone's attitudes have been very good. I am so thankful for that.
Having said that, we are ready for good health!! Next year we'll say, "remember last year...when we had strep, flu, and pneumonia in one month!" Sounds great to be talking in hindsight.
We will be sticking around here until Maleah heals a bit. I got lots of movies at the library today, and I am looking forward to snuggling and hanging low (but incredibly sad to be missing Thanksgiving day with family!).
Hope you all are healthy!!!
p.s. i felt so weird taking pictures of us sick. but remember, this is my 'diary' and i want to look back and say 'wow - remember that!' sorry if it seems strange to you. it's for 'documenting' purposes only. :)
Two weeks ago we were all struck with the dreaded stomach flu. (charlie with the flu=vomit EVERYWHERE):
it was a lot of laying around:
you know, when you are so miserable you will lay anywhere, even the kitchen floor:
Then today, we discovered sweet pea Maleah has pneumonia:
I can not believe I am saying this but: it all hasn't been that bad. Of course I hate being sick and seeing my lovies sick, but everyone's attitudes have been very good. I am so thankful for that.
Having said that, we are ready for good health!! Next year we'll say, "remember last year...when we had strep, flu, and pneumonia in one month!" Sounds great to be talking in hindsight.
We will be sticking around here until Maleah heals a bit. I got lots of movies at the library today, and I am looking forward to snuggling and hanging low (but incredibly sad to be missing Thanksgiving day with family!).
Hope you all are healthy!!!
p.s. i felt so weird taking pictures of us sick. but remember, this is my 'diary' and i want to look back and say 'wow - remember that!' sorry if it seems strange to you. it's for 'documenting' purposes only. :)
Monday, November 14, 2011
our ballerina.
Last week was "visit day" at Maleah's dance class. I was so excited to see what actually happens during the hour she's there every week. You wonder what they do, how she acts, how beneficial it is, on and on.
It was so fun to watch her! I was so, very proud of what a good girl she was. She was very obedient with her teacher, not disruptive, and was trying very hard. She made her momma proud.
Here's some photos of our ballerina:

It was so fun to watch her! I was so, very proud of what a good girl she was. She was very obedient with her teacher, not disruptive, and was trying very hard. She made her momma proud.
Here's some photos of our ballerina:
Party of Three.
Last Friday, I took the girls to the tearoom in Aplington (Peppercorn Pantry, a must try place!) for a tea party. We put on fancy dresses, lip gloss, and were on our way. I had two very excited little girls!
We first went to the library. I picked out a couple different books on tea parties and let them choose out of those. Of course Maleah picked Fancy Nancy, and of course Layla picked the one about the pigs. They are so different. I love that so much:
We talked about etiquette and being ladies. It was so sweet. Layla fell off her chair twice (the dress or the wind took her down). Otherwise, it was very successful!
Complete with hot chocolate:
And dessert:
I love sweet moments like these.
We first went to the library. I picked out a couple different books on tea parties and let them choose out of those. Of course Maleah picked Fancy Nancy, and of course Layla picked the one about the pigs. They are so different. I love that so much:
Thursday, November 10, 2011
We are in the process of having our upstairs bathroom remodeled. It has been super fun to see the transformation! But, a little strange, having other people (men) in your home most of the day. You feel as though you can't do what you normally do, but you can't do nothing either. During this time, we have become good pals with the guys (workers, as Layla calls them) and I can't wait to tell you about how we've all had heart changes and blessings from one another. One of the major bummers of the whole thing is that the kids haven't been able to sleep as normal. They get here early, waking Charlie up. And naptime is a total crapshoot. Sometimes it sounds as though the whole house is going to fall down. But today? All three are sleeping! Hallelujah!
I love babies. I really love babies. And I feel as though I would be content to always have a baby. Like any young family, we go back and forth with the million dollar question: are you done having kids? While we aren't sure, this week I have had a couple realizations. Both Tuesday morning (Bible Study) and Thursday morning (MOPS) at church, I held other people's babies. It was so nice to be able to bless someone else and give another mommy a break. While I'm not going to choose my family size based on everyone else, it's been really great to be the one giving and loving. For the last four years, people have helped me out by opening doors for me, holding my baby, helping me get set up for nursing, on and on. To be on the other side of that feels good.
I stopped at Diamond Vogel to get another gallon of paint today, and the man said, "I heard you have such well behaved children." He went on about what he heard, both good and bad. I'm not saying this to brag, but let me tell you, it felt so good to hear. I am trying so hard to intentionally raise *very* good, sweet, generous, well-behaved children. Sometimes it feels as though I am getting absolutely nowhere. Last night the babysitter couldn't say enough good things, and today the paint man was impressed too. I don't need my work to be shown. But it feels so good that all I am doing isn't for not. I plan on telling other mommas the same. What an encouragement.
Today is "visit day" for Maleah's dance class. I am so excited to see her in action. We went to MOPS this morning, where I leave feeling so lifted up and filled with great ideas. I have chili in the crock pot, homemade bread in the machine, and caramel bars in the oven. Everyday isn't roses, but today is.
Happy Thursday, friends!
I love babies. I really love babies. And I feel as though I would be content to always have a baby. Like any young family, we go back and forth with the million dollar question: are you done having kids? While we aren't sure, this week I have had a couple realizations. Both Tuesday morning (Bible Study) and Thursday morning (MOPS) at church, I held other people's babies. It was so nice to be able to bless someone else and give another mommy a break. While I'm not going to choose my family size based on everyone else, it's been really great to be the one giving and loving. For the last four years, people have helped me out by opening doors for me, holding my baby, helping me get set up for nursing, on and on. To be on the other side of that feels good.
I stopped at Diamond Vogel to get another gallon of paint today, and the man said, "I heard you have such well behaved children." He went on about what he heard, both good and bad. I'm not saying this to brag, but let me tell you, it felt so good to hear. I am trying so hard to intentionally raise *very* good, sweet, generous, well-behaved children. Sometimes it feels as though I am getting absolutely nowhere. Last night the babysitter couldn't say enough good things, and today the paint man was impressed too. I don't need my work to be shown. But it feels so good that all I am doing isn't for not. I plan on telling other mommas the same. What an encouragement.
Today is "visit day" for Maleah's dance class. I am so excited to see her in action. We went to MOPS this morning, where I leave feeling so lifted up and filled with great ideas. I have chili in the crock pot, homemade bread in the machine, and caramel bars in the oven. Everyday isn't roses, but today is.
Happy Thursday, friends!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
the Uncomman Woman.
Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Rise & Shine Retreat at Orchard Hill. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I'm going to jot down my thoughts while they are fresh on my mind.
Lately I have been very immersed in the Word. I have not always been good at this (at all!). I like to think it's a priority, because in my mind it is. But, for example, when I had time to train for the triathlon, I didn't miss the alarm clock to get up and run. However, I would easily shut it off it all I was going to do was get up and read my Bible. The "I just don't have enough time" is a silly excuse. You DO have time for what you want to have time for. I get most of the things done in my day that I really want to accomplish. Reading my Bible hasn't always been one of those things. (there ya have it, my dirty laundry).
Having said that, the last couple weeks I have been on fire! I have a powerful study going with our small group, am involved in a Promises study Tuesday morning, plus am memorizing scripture. Along with being on fire, comes the nasty ol' Devil. While I feel grounded, I also feel under attack every single day. It's easy for me to: feel lonely, feel resentful of my husband who has been around home very little, get very weighed down by all the sadness around us (accidents, sickness, etc.), feel discouraged and mad at/by people, feel impatient with the kids, on and on. The more in tune I am to HIM, the more in tune Satan wants to be with me. It's a battle.
Saturday, Susie Larson (my favorite speaker, ever!) spoke just what I needed to hear. I want to be exactly what she was talking about: the uncommon woman, making an ordinary life extraordinary.
Some of the things she said that radiated within me:
-You came from Him, will end with Him, and have things to do for HIM in between.
-You may not be qualified, but you ARE equipped.
-Salvation for heaven would have been plenty enough! But he did so much more than that. He offers great opportunities for a fruit-filled, glory lived out life, HERE.
-Everytime I say "I love you, Lord," turn that around and say, "You love ME, Lord." Let that sink in.
-You should walk, every single day, with holy confidence and humble dependence. You are no better than, but no less than anyone else. We are everything with God, but nothing without Him.
-Our past is forgiven, our present is filled with power (love this), and our future is bright wit hope.
-You are not a civilian passing through this world, you are in the armed forces of heaven!
-Don't live in reaction to your circumstances. Live in response to His love.
-If we could not be so worried about "saving face," we would see a lot more "saving grace." (YES!)
-Renew your mind! What's your pattern or thought life like? Train your mind so scripture is instinct.
Lastly, she talked about how you can't point to circumstances in your life as to why you are not bearing fruit. Fruit is made off of a connection, alone. Think about trees. The leaves/fruit/nuts do nothing to be produced. The vine and its branches are connected, and that alone produces.
Without connection to HIM, you will not bear fruit. And we will be known by the fruit we bear. I want to bear fruit!
Susie talked about over and over; the pettiness of women, even Christian women. There is so much gossip, hurt, competition, and degrading. I want to be the uncommon woman. I want to hold up my shield and say, "no!" I am no better than the woman next to me. I struggle the same struggles, and battle every single day. But with HIM I can be uncommon.
Lately I have been very immersed in the Word. I have not always been good at this (at all!). I like to think it's a priority, because in my mind it is. But, for example, when I had time to train for the triathlon, I didn't miss the alarm clock to get up and run. However, I would easily shut it off it all I was going to do was get up and read my Bible. The "I just don't have enough time" is a silly excuse. You DO have time for what you want to have time for. I get most of the things done in my day that I really want to accomplish. Reading my Bible hasn't always been one of those things. (there ya have it, my dirty laundry).
Having said that, the last couple weeks I have been on fire! I have a powerful study going with our small group, am involved in a Promises study Tuesday morning, plus am memorizing scripture. Along with being on fire, comes the nasty ol' Devil. While I feel grounded, I also feel under attack every single day. It's easy for me to: feel lonely, feel resentful of my husband who has been around home very little, get very weighed down by all the sadness around us (accidents, sickness, etc.), feel discouraged and mad at/by people, feel impatient with the kids, on and on. The more in tune I am to HIM, the more in tune Satan wants to be with me. It's a battle.
Saturday, Susie Larson (my favorite speaker, ever!) spoke just what I needed to hear. I want to be exactly what she was talking about: the uncommon woman, making an ordinary life extraordinary.
Some of the things she said that radiated within me:
-You came from Him, will end with Him, and have things to do for HIM in between.
-You may not be qualified, but you ARE equipped.
-Salvation for heaven would have been plenty enough! But he did so much more than that. He offers great opportunities for a fruit-filled, glory lived out life, HERE.
-Everytime I say "I love you, Lord," turn that around and say, "You love ME, Lord." Let that sink in.
-You should walk, every single day, with holy confidence and humble dependence. You are no better than, but no less than anyone else. We are everything with God, but nothing without Him.
-Our past is forgiven, our present is filled with power (love this), and our future is bright wit hope.
-You are not a civilian passing through this world, you are in the armed forces of heaven!
-Don't live in reaction to your circumstances. Live in response to His love.
-If we could not be so worried about "saving face," we would see a lot more "saving grace." (YES!)
-Renew your mind! What's your pattern or thought life like? Train your mind so scripture is instinct.
Lastly, she talked about how you can't point to circumstances in your life as to why you are not bearing fruit. Fruit is made off of a connection, alone. Think about trees. The leaves/fruit/nuts do nothing to be produced. The vine and its branches are connected, and that alone produces.
Without connection to HIM, you will not bear fruit. And we will be known by the fruit we bear. I want to bear fruit!
Susie talked about over and over; the pettiness of women, even Christian women. There is so much gossip, hurt, competition, and degrading. I want to be the uncommon woman. I want to hold up my shield and say, "no!" I am no better than the woman next to me. I struggle the same struggles, and battle every single day. But with HIM I can be uncommon.
Halloween 2011.
We had a super fun Halloween. Isn't there something so great about seeing the kids dressed up cute as can be, and getting loads of candy? Yippee!!
Please meet...

Now, about all the candy we got. Sigh. :)
Please meet...
Layla, the pumpkin:
Here are the kids with Noah & Asher on Halloween night. We had a splendid time of trick-or-treating downtown Cedar Falls, visiting my grandpa in the nursing home, then back to Alisa's for chili, jack-0-lantern pizza, and apple cider, then off to trick-or-treat in the neighborhood.
It was terrific!
It was terrific!
Now, about all the candy we got. Sigh. :)
Pumpkin Photos:
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