Saturday, October 20, 2012

Train Ride.

Awhile back, we bid on Boone train tickets and some Thomas the Train items at a silent auction/benefit and won (isn't winning so exciting!).  Naturally, we put them into the drawer and forget about them until, oh, this week.  And good thing since they expire, oh, next week.

We picked up Maleah from school at 11:30 today.  She thought it was awesome possum having us at school, and they were all squealing with excitement for our big adventure for the day.

When we arrived at the train station, we soon realized we should have brought snacks.  There were lots of people, and I wasn't about to let my 2-year-old ruin everyone else's trip.  Dallas made a trek over to Casey's for essentials (you know, junk food) and we checked out the train museum.

Checking out the real-deal trains!

Best picture of the 3 of them I could get.  Humph.

That's my boy.  A building full to the brim of trains, and he finds the one and only backhoe to play with.

Boarding the train was probably about as exciting as the ride itself.  The kids love tickets.  The conductor was wearing his hat, punched their tickets, and they got to find a seat.  Charlie marched his way right on without us, zoomed past the conductor, and when we got on he was cozy as could be.  Nevermind a new adventure where he might need Mom and Dad.

Ready to board!

Let's roll!!

Ready for take off.
The train tooted its whistle, and away it went.  It was so fun to see the kids so excited.  It just felt like the train and whole process was bigger than life to them.  I love that about children.  They sure keep you grounded, don't they.

I adore this photo.

Checking out the scenes!

2 weeks ago, this would have been breath taking with all the color.  Most of the trees' leaves were gone, but it was still absolutely beautiful!

This was so fun.  Waiting for this little guy to come pull us back to town.  They honked their horn as they went by and all the kids just started with huge eyes.

The ride was 1 hour, 45 minutes.  The kids did remarkably well.  A little coloring, snacking, reading, and 4-wheeling for Charlie filled in the anxious gaps.
Layla looking for nests, water, deer, and carved out tree stumps.

The landscape was so beautiful.

This cracks me up.  It's as if they are studying the soil type, or what kind of tree it is, or how old the deer was we saw. 


We were on an enormously huge bridge.  While it was fun and pretty, I prefered to be on level ground.

Maleah absolutely loved this.  She wants to go again with her cousin, Asher, who is enthralled with trains.  Such a treat.
After the train ride, we went to eat at Hickory Park, then headed home.  It was the perfect day, and just the pick me up I needed.  I've been feeling so tired and icky, and very unsocial like (wanting to hibernate at home).  But a day with my favorite people?  Absolutely nothing tops it.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Big Announcement!

Yep!  We are pregnant!!

Again, we were surprised (well, we know how it happens), and absolutely thrilled!  We are so excited to be expecting again, with all the anticipation and joy it brings.  We feel absolutely honored to be carrying life, and know it is a gift.  We look forward to meeting the little bundle the end of May, and bringing up this child to know, love, and serve Jesus and others.  What a privelege.

The age old question; how are you feeling?  Uh, ok.  Thankfully, each pregnancy I seem to feel better.  Having said that, I certainly do not feel good.  I am beyond exhausted.  Cooking is way out of my radar, raw meat is a sure puke, and I nap nearly everyday.  But, it seems very tolerable this go around.  I haven't decided if it's because I don't have the self pity time with being busy with three little ones, if I am taking better care of myself via lots of sleep/fitness/nutrition, or if I'm just being blessed!  No matter the case, I am thankful to not be constantly sick, but sure look forward to feeling normal again.

The girls are so excited, and want to be very involved.  Charlie, on the other hand, says "Noooo!  Me baby!"  He has no comprehension, but what he does understand is that right now he rules as baby boy. 

Thank you for sharing in our joy!  We can't wait until spring, and look forward to meeting precious baby face to face.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Farmer boy Charlie.

When we found out we were pregnant with a boy, I know Dallas was thrilled with the thought of a little sidekick.  But, I think we both had no idea just how crazy he would be about all things tractor!

From the moment this little man wakes up, it's straight to his dresser for a tractor shirt.  To wear anything else truly is a big battle.  Then, it's down the stairs and directly to his tractors.  They eat with him, sleep with him, go in the car with him.  He is nuts about tractors! 

Semi riding with Daddy.

Hi Mommy!

My meals on wheels crew.  A favorite part of fall!

Supper in the field with Daddy.

Playing tractor in the cornfield.

Combining at lunch.

Hauling loads at breakfast.  Wheeling the big green machines around.
I'm not sure that Charlie will always be so into tractors, but I want to remember the year he turned two and his love for things with wheels; from trucks and cars,to tractors, tractor clothes, and books about transportation.