After an unintended blog hiatus, I am attempting to be back. In all areas of my life, really.
I refuse to complain about being pregnant and sick, because I know there are so many women who would do just about anything to throw up every single day. I feel so blessed to be able to have babies, yet guilty that I have babies, thankful that I feel horrible as it serves as my daily reminder that I am carrying child, yet guilty and emotionally exhausted that I am SO sick and tired of being sick and tired. Really, I've been a bit of an emotional basket case lately.
So, what have we been up to? It feels like not much, yet
so much! Unfortunately, I haven't done awesome at documenting it. Here's my attempt at what we've been up to:
Charlie got all of his Daddy's tractors from when he was a little boy! It may have been the best night of this little brother's life. I love that these tractors mean so much, coming from Dallas. There are lots of memories and hours put into all these machines, and Charlie is keeping the legacy rolling. So, so sweet. |
We had this little buddy for a day. It was so, so fun! He toddled around like no one's business, played and played, smiled and smiled, and was an absolute joy. |
Meet Mr. Cow! |
Meet Layla?? We aren't real sure what she was, other than Layla. Sparkly, not making much sense, but cute and fun! |
Meet Ariel! |
The crew trick-or-treating! |
We've had a lot of get-togethers. Old friends, small group, new friends. Good times. |
This little school girl is doing awesome. Time to get all bundled up in the morning. |
Oh, Charlie. He loves to "do dishes." Uh huh. "Make a big ol' mess" is more like it. But, I've kind of resorted to the fact that it's a great activity for him that keeps him busy for quite some time. |
These two are finally getting to be pals! They are loving to read lately, which was been such a treat. And, so nice for me when I don't feel like running around after them. |
Spent a day with my college friends. Four out of five of us are pregnant! It was such a fun day! |
What I don't have to show for: hearts at home conference (soooo good!!), and one of my best gal pals from small group having brain surgery. We spent a long day at the hospital, passing time with friends and her family, and got to see Stacy that night. She did
awesome! We have been amazed by her recovery thus far. That same day, another girl from our MOPS group found out her little 2-year-old son has brain cancer (same hospital as Stacy, same surgeon as Stacy!). Thank the Lord, we were there that day. We were able to pray with her and just
be with her. I can't imagine. Absolutely can't. Between Stacy and Courtney & Aidan, it was such an emotional day. We got in the car to come home, and I felt like I was just going to bust into sobbing. So much going on, but how amazing to see God work through it all.
The very next day I went to the Hearts at Home Conference with some MOPS girls. It was so fantastic, and just what I needed; encouragement, girl time, and people boosting us up in our role as mommy. I'll blog soon about what I all learned.
So, there ya have it. Let's see how long (or short!) of time it takes me to check back in. :)