Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We had a great little getaway to Wisconsin Dells, where we stayed at the Great Wolf Lodge. It was such a neat place! So great that we extended our stay. The kids did awesome on the ride up. We decided we weren't even going to allow for movies because the drive was so pretty. The girls loved looking at the "big rock walls" entering Wisconsin. And all the barns we saw on the windy roads were so beautiful. Do you think anyone napped on the way? Nope! When we got to the lodge and saw our wonderful room and fun waterpark, everyone was so excited! Of course having great friends made the energy level rise too! It was!! Let me tell you about it through pictures...

Maleah was so brave. She has been saying her favorite thing was the "white slide." Here it is.

Are they not so cute? This is in the wave pool. Another hit.

Josh was a wonderful sport! All the kids were aiming at the daddies. They giggled and giggled. It was too precious.

This little pool was SO warm. Maleah really grew to trust the life jacket and would just float around the pool. And don't let Charlie's face fib you. He LOVED this pool!

*There is more to come!! I am not able to upload any more photos. Got more to show though! Will update this afternoon with the second round.*