Wednesday, October 26, 2011


We got around to carving our pumpkins this last Sunday! Thanks to Pinterest (i love me some pinning action) it actually was a family activity and not just a daddy job!! The kids picked out cookie cutters, I held the cookie cutter and they hammered. It worked perfectly!!

Maleah chose her shapes to make the face, and then her shape for the back was of no surprise; a heart.

Layla wanted the same exact face as Maleah, but we gave her a much bigger smile, because that's how you know it's Layla! Then she chose a pumpkin to put on her pumpkin. Makes sense, right?

And Charlie-boy just wanted to dig in goop and do whatever the big sisters were doing.

You would of thought it was Christmas morning when we made the pumpkins "glow." The placement of the candle and the lighting was out of this world when it came to excitement for these girls.

I love family moments like this.
A simple pumpkin? For sure.
A huge deal in their little eyes? Absolutely.

(bologna. pictures aren't working. so, as soon as they do i will share.) :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bummer City.

I am seriously bummed, big time!

I have strep throat, and can not remember the last time I felt so stinkin' crappy! I've had a fever, so I'm roasting hot then freezing cold. Every inch of me hurts.

Of course Erica was coming to visit yesterday, but beings my mom and Alisa have strep too, they bunked in Des Moines for the night. Who would want to be around all the sickies?

Of course my husband is gone all day, every day. I can count on him for absolutely nothing right now. Today I am just trying to survive. Thankfully, the kids were great yesterday, but it's still feeding lunch, snacks, changing diapers, all of it.

Of course I am missing The Grove this morning, which breaks my heart. Having only a few outings a week, we really look forward to them! While being there sounds more relaxing then being here, spreading the germs sounds like not such a good idea.

Of course I was with friends yesterday morning, having no idea that I was going to go downhill so quickly. I will feel so bad if they get sick!

So, depressed? Yes. Mommies don't get sick days. I'm so ready to feel better. I'm so ready to be a better mommy and housekeeper again. I'm so trying to keep things in perspective.

Here's to a descent day! Like I said, perspective. Things really could be a lot worse.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Possible Facebook Statuses

(idea stolen from my sister)

Marissa is...
..ready for normal life again (and it's only been two weeks!).
..thrilled how well the days have been going without the hubster.
..can very much tell it's Friday.
..thankful the Lord created the Sabbath, and can.not.wait for it!
..tired of people using facebook as an outlet for negative opinions and digs.
..the momma of a walking baby boy.
..feeling weird about no "babies" in the house!
..loving this weather!!
..thinking it's pretty handy having my sister live in convenient Cedar Falls.
..wishing my other sister lived closer.
..going to look for a bridesmaid dress tomorrow (sounds so fun to me!).
..also going Christmas shopping tomorrow. Yes, Christmas!! Woo hoo!! stinkin' proud of my husband. (90 work hours last week, you go babe)
..tired, but who isn't, right?
..thankful for my 3 little rascals that feed my energy all day and keep me going.
..loving my bible study and small group study!
..memorizing scripture like crazy, and oh how wonderful it has been!
..wishing y'all a happy weekend!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Check out the Do.

Here he is...Charlie right up from naptime. This shows you his crazy hair.
He is beginning to look like a little girl.

I tame it down when we go out in public, so don't have plans of cutting it until his
"public do" is as girly as his "home do."

He's so stinkin' cute, if I do say so myself!

Things I Love About Fall:

The beautiful sky & the combine ready to roll:

Wearing fleeces, but still being able to play outside:

The smells. Ohhhh the smells of fall:

The beautiful colors. Of flowers and the gorgeous trees:

The tastes. All things pumpkin, cinnamon, & comfort:

This time of the year makes me especially grateful for God's handiwork. There is something so beautiful about it that we could not orchestrate ourself. The crispness in the air and the changing of the trees is a constant reminder of God, everywhere.
And, dare I say: I love Iowa.
Happy Fall Y'all!