Friday, October 14, 2011

Possible Facebook Statuses

(idea stolen from my sister)

Marissa is...
..ready for normal life again (and it's only been two weeks!).
..thrilled how well the days have been going without the hubster.
..can very much tell it's Friday.
..thankful the Lord created the Sabbath, and can.not.wait for it!
..tired of people using facebook as an outlet for negative opinions and digs.
..the momma of a walking baby boy.
..feeling weird about no "babies" in the house!
..loving this weather!!
..thinking it's pretty handy having my sister live in convenient Cedar Falls.
..wishing my other sister lived closer.
..going to look for a bridesmaid dress tomorrow (sounds so fun to me!).
..also going Christmas shopping tomorrow. Yes, Christmas!! Woo hoo!! stinkin' proud of my husband. (90 work hours last week, you go babe)
..tired, but who isn't, right?
..thankful for my 3 little rascals that feed my energy all day and keep me going.
..loving my bible study and small group study!
..memorizing scripture like crazy, and oh how wonderful it has been!
..wishing y'all a happy weekend!

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