You turned three yesterday! You keep reminding me today, because you try to get a rise out of me. You want me to pretend cry and say "what!" in unbelief. That's totally you - teasing, taunting, making fun of everything. You are very sarcastic and giggle all the time, even when it is not supposed to be funny!
You are so unique. You look similar to your brother and sister, but definitely look the most different of you three. You are so sarcastic. For being only three years old, we wonder how you have so much wit and zest in how you poke fun at people. You usually say the opposite of what you mean. If we ask if you had fun (like after Christmas), you reply with a no and a whole ton of giggles. We should have known all these things about you from the day you were born. You made us wait 10 days past your due date, but then were born within 90 minutes of arriving at the hospital, arriving at 11:59 p.m. You always keep us guessing and on our toes. You are a Laylers.
But that same little girl is our most affectionate, loving, sweet child. You love to touch my face, kiss and hug me, snuggle, read books, and want me to hold you all the time. You like to pretend like you are so confident and crazy at home, but you are the one to hold tight to my leg. You cling to the people you love.
Every time I lay you down to sleep I have to sing Jesus Loves Me, on my knees (this is a must!). You love music, but we don't think you are going to be very musically inclined. Sorry, baby girl. You will be wonderful as so many other things! :)
Layla, you are so beautiful. Your eyes are unbelievable. Your heart is golden. I am so proud to be your momma and my heart overflows with gratitude that the Lord gave you to us!

There are no words to explain the instant love I felt for you.
This picture shows a momma's bond with her babe.
I love you, sweet pea!
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