Day 2 of vacation was extra special. It was Maleah's birthday! It was a super fun day, and the birthday girl would tell you it was her favorite day (because it was her birthday, of course). We started the morning off with birthday doughnuts, of course!!
Here she is when she woke up....a big 5 year old!! 5 years seems so much older than 4, doesn't it? Woofta. |
The birthday girl with her birthday doughnut. |
We did some swimming at the hotel (we did tons of hotel swimming!) and then got ready to go catch our boat! We took the fast ferry over Lake Michigan, from Milwaukee, WI to Muskegon, MI. It was a great experience, so beautiful, and the kids for sure thought they were the bomb diggidy. They treat the boat like an airplane, complete with tickets, workers, boarding, etc. Dallas parked the car on the boat and the kids and I boarded. They were bursting with excitement.
Charlton checking things out. His new word this week was, "Boat!" |
He wanted to be out on deck...constantly. |
On the top! Soooo windy when we were chugging along! |
Seeing land! |
So beautiful coming into Michigan. |
Mommy & the birthday girl. |
Daddy and the little kids. |
Maleah got tons of attention in her darling birthday dress! |
We got in the car and continued on our way to my cousin, Kammy's, house. The kids slept the entire time, we jumped into the next time zone, and everybody was screwed up on sleeping!!
We made it safely to Tim and Kammy's. They were so gracious to have us for three nights! It was so nice to be able to land for a couple days, and allow the kids some good sleeping arrangements, playmates, toys, good food, the list goes on. It was lovely!!
That night we went and got ice cream, and chatted and chatted and chatted. We looked at the clock...and holy's after 11:00! To bed the kids went. Kammy and I...well, we stayed up into the night. Whoops.
Day 2 of vacation: Wonderful!
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