What have we been up to lately, you ask? A little of this and a little of that. But, all
good. Well, mostly. How
good can potty training be?
I brought Maleah to the eye doctor just because. I got a card from school I thought was required to be returned (turns out it wasn't), so basically went to the eye doctor to get it signed off and on with the day. Boy, was I wrong!
Turns out Maleah has amblyopia in her right eye. Her brain has never connected with the right eye, therefore her left eye has been doing all the work the past five years. Her left eye has perfect vision, while her right eye is pretty much out of commission. She wasn't seeing some of anything, doubles of some things, and had little to no depth perception (no wonder she can't catch a ball!).
We do drops on the weekends in her left eye, causing it to be blurry and super dilated. This forces her brain to use her right eye. She also has glasses,with a super heavy prescription in her right eye. Even with correction, her eyes are still only 20/60. This is why we are forcing the brain to catch up.
She is loving her glasses! She can't believe the things she can see with them. She puts them on instantly in the morning, and we have had zero problem keeping her on top of wearing them. She looks cuter than a button in them, and I think she likes the idea of another "accessory."
We will go back in seven weeks and see how the drops have worked. From there we will decide next steps. I am so thankful we went in for our routine check! She went through the ringer that day, and was such a good little girl. The doctor was so impressed with her behavior and cooperation, even when it hurt. I was, and am, so proud of how she is dealing with it all.
Purple glasses. Cute! |
Pink glasses. Also cute! |
I have started the daunting task of potty training Charlie. Believe it or not, I didn't mind potty training the girls. We did it early, and it came fairly easy to both of them. While I am certainly not expecting that with Charlie, I am hopeful we can stick it out and be out of diapers soon! So far, we haven't been super successful, but that's okay. After all, how confusing would it be to go potty in a diaper for two years and then boom; now we go in the potty. We will get there! Fun times, huh?
He has a pretty awesome support crew. |
Yes, Charlie. You are stinkin' cute. Now go potty, pllllease!! |
It's been beautiful outside, hasn't it! We had great outside time this weekend. It put me in the mood for fall! I'm ready to get out the fall scents, decor, pumpkin bars, and sweatshirts. I love this season!
I find so much joy in being their mommy. This photo absolutely swells my heart. |
Maleah was one excited girl on Friday! She got to bring home Honu, the class pet! We were to do an activity with Honu, draw it and write about it in the journal, then return Honu back to school today. Maleah chose to bring Honu on a 4-wheeler ride. It was so cute to see how excited they were, especially Charlie!
Maleah's journal of her time with Honu. She drew the 4-wheeler and the flowers they found on their adventure. |
Maleah with Honu. |
More outside play time! |
My master trapper, getting after the mice! He knows the way to my heart. |
It was quite the scene for the children. Maleah was nervous as could be, Layla was giggling, and Charlie was attempting to get to the top with Daddy. |
The next Gabby Williams? I think yes! |
I've had such a sweet time with Layla. When Maleah is at school and Charlie is sleeping, we play games or cuddle up. It's been so good to have one-on-one time with the one child who will have the least of that, being in the middle. She is such a joy, and her company, allllll.day.long. makes me smile.
Pretty girl with a BIG smile! |
I think that's all for now. I am back in the swing of things this week. The Grove, Kindermusik, MOPS, story time, and farm wife are back in full throttle! I have meal plans made and laundry on the schedule. It's go time again.
Happy Monday to you!
aww yay!! Loved reading this and "catching up" on what you all are up to. Those girls sure are pretty - Maleah with the glasses (love the pink!) and Layla in all of her cuteness. I too love the black and white pic of you with the kids!