Wednesday, February 5, 2014


The kids are all in bed, and I'd be lying if I said this wasn't my favorite part of the day.  The day was good, but this is better; chilled out kids who had a fantastic day, sweet prayers, lax time with my best friend, everybody home, the sound of the furnace, and the peace of another blessed day with them all.

As I was upstairs tying loose bedtime ends, I overheard the girls...
Layla: Maleah?
Maleah: yes, Layla...
Layla: what does 'I dare you' mean?
Maleah: well.....
Layla: and how about foolish, Maleah? What does that mean?

These girls.  Hardly a year and a half apart.  Do they have any idea how blessed they are to have each other?  I'm so thankful for their friendship and look forward to the years they have ahead.  I have two sisters.  I know the blessing.  And for that, I am so thankful.

Just when I think it's my favorite time of day, I hear bedtime conversations and my favorite time gets even better. Ahhhhh, finding rest in this gift.

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