Monday, August 31, 2015

First day of school!

Well, the first week of school came and went.  And, everyone is happy and well!

The girls were super excited.  We had a nice, long summer as school seemed to start later this year (big thumbs up!).

Maleah seemed nervous.  Third grade is a big jump academically, as well as upstairs at the school with all the "big" kids.  She has a new to her teacher, new classroom, and for my girl who likes to do well and achieve big things, it just seemed different and scary.

Layla, on the other hand, could seem to care less.  This is her first year of going every day, and though it's only been four days, her go with the flow attitude has made those four days great.

And then there's Mama.  I had all the feelings moms have the first day back; sad, nervous, excited, happy, and the list goes on and on and on.  I cried and anticipate crying every first day of school for the rest of their forever.  So yeah.  All in all, things are smooth and we are settling into our new routine again.

1st and 3rd grade, here we come!  I'm so proud of these girls and look forward to another fantastic year at Timothy Christian!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Goodbye, Summer 2015!

'Twas the night before school....

... and the excitement is buzzing!
... the alarm is set.
... Momma's heart is a bit anxious.
... the kids are supposed to be sleeping, but alas, are probably not.

... and we are happy as clams from a most fantastic day.

Don't get me wrong; there was fighting and crying.  But if ever there was a nearly perfect summer day, it was today.  Mother Nature totally rocked it and gave us beautiful weather, we had nothing on the agenda, I forced myself to have zero productivity and all play, we had our favorite foods, and we ended the summer of 2015 beautifully.  I'll let the photos speak for themselves.

So long, sweet summer time!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

A boy & his dog.

After dragging my feet for nine years, I finally said "yes" to a dog.  I don't loooooove the dog.  But I like her.  And hey, that's saying something!

What I do love are these photos.  There's not much better to a little farm boy then his dog.

I'm back!

Not that I have anybody checking in anymore.  After eight months of a whole bunch of nothing, I don't blame ya.

It's a crying shame I haven't documented the first half of this year.  So, I'm back in action.  When I look back at my blogs, I absolutely love them.  I recall so many things I otherwise forget, and the pictures melt me into a puddle.

This summer has been the absolute best.

Stay tuned for some serious catch up...