...is climb, feed babies, & write, repeat...
This turkey shnitzel climbed out of his highchair and stood on the tray numerous times during supper last night. I thought for sure he would forget about his capabilities overnight. Not so. This morning I put him in with a few lucky charms. He ate the marshmallows (do you think I'm joking?) and stood right on up. Gone are the days of putting him in the highchair and running to do the laundry. This child is a monkey!
Then there's this. I went outside this morning, and found this written on the cement. It says: Charlie. My heart got all warm and fuzzy and I had a proud mama moment. Maleah loves to write and write and write. Sometimes I get so annoyed of showing her how to write letters and spelling things out for her. But when I saw this, it made me realize that she does understand. The things I am teaching her are sticking.
It's strange to have a child getting older, starting to do these neat things. How can we be to the point already? Dallas and I were talking that this is just the beginning of those "yay" parenting moments. It's so rewarding.
Thankfully, this morning was delightful, as we spent it with friends and neighbors we don't see nearly enough. We also spent some time at Grandma's this week, which is always a treat. And the best part of the week comes tomorrow when we pack up to go visit the Scheve ladies. We can not wait!
Happy Weekend!
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