If I had one word to describe how it is going so far, I would say: dry.
I love spinach, with dressing on it. I love hamburgers, with ketchup on. I love baked potatoes, with butter. I love grilled chicken, with barbecue sauce. I love toast, with anything. We don't get dressing, ketchup, butter, bbq sauce, or anything. Our food is dry!!
Dallas and I were laughing at lunch yesterday, while choking down our food. He said, "I think I'm going to start having soggy bread, just so it slides down better." We laughed and laughed.
The food itself is not bad at all. It's just so boring and mundane. Our 7 foods are foods we eat very regularly anyway, but boy howdy have we learned we like condiments!
I've realized I do a lot of grabbing this and that, finishing the kids' food, or popping something into my mouth. I think about food. A lot. I love food. I love planning meals, grocery shopping, feeding my family. I love food. And that has been apparent the last two days.
It hasn't been horribly difficult. I'm not super hungry, as the foods we are eating are so wholesome and good. It's a different mindset: food is for nutrition, not for fun. I like to eat because I like to eat (that's the truth, folks). Energy and hunger wise, we are getting along just fine. But I can see that by March 30 we will be sick.and.tired.of.this.
We are hoping that after a week or so of getting over the food battle, we can move forward with the idea of the fast, which is not really about food at all.
But for now, our mouths feel dry.
What are your seven foods?