We have been outside every minute of every day. The littlest one wakes up, grabs his shoes, and heads straight for the door. Breakfast doesn't matter. It's play time!
It's been a delightful spring, and my heart feels so overwhelmed in gratitude as I watch these three explore and beam with excitement.
Loves the mailbox:

A boy to hang with!! This picture melts my heart:

While the girls chum around together:

Charlie has conquered
flying down the slide:

My ingenius husband took care of the "I want a turn!!" problem:

Little worker bee. Follows daddy around everywhere! This is very good and very bad (as he can't always be following Daddy!). But, today is Saturday, so I say he can!!:

Baby boy chasing the ball all around the yard:

Loves being outside. Makes him so happy:

Being inside, on the other hand...this is where
he stands nearly the entire time we are indoors:

Popsicles in March? You better believe it:

Yard work in March? Weird:

Layla sitting in the chair caring for her baby with purse in tact? totally normal:

The looking so stinkin' old beauty, Maleah, mastering her scootin' skills:

Look real closely and Charlie is giving me the
look of, "you won't get me outta here."

All is good with the world right now! I am sure you are enjoying this gorgeous weather, as well!
Happy Weekend!
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