Friday, August 22, 2014

First day of School, 2014.

The girls started school on this past Wednesday, August 20th.

Maleah could hardly get to sleep the night before.  She was very excited.  She loves school, learning, and routine.  She is so responsible, and school is a place that feeds that desire to do well into her.

Layla was very unsure.  I have been grieving (yes, grieving) her going to Kindergarten, so I thought maybe she was catching onto that.  As soon as she started the, "I don't think I want to do Kindergarten, actually," I tip topped my attitude into one of excitement and anticipation of great things for her!  I cried in secret, and jumped up and down for joy with her.  She wanted to sleep in that morning, and when we got to the school thought she maybe didn't want to do this.  But, thankfully she isn't one to fuss or throw fits, and just did it anyway.  She had a great day, but was fine to not go back the next day.  This morning, however, she was downright giddy.  I think it will turn out to be an alright gig, after all.  We have discovered that Layla doesn't like to do hard things.  She is a super fun kid with personality plus, yet isn't up for adventure or anything that will push her.  School might be hard for her, but that is okay.  We look forward to fostering some work ethic into that girl.  If it were her way, every day would be a party.

Now, onto the photos...

It has been a weird couple days.  It always takes time to get used to the new way again.  The kids and I are together a lot, so having them gone feels odd.  We feel so confident in our school.  I've been sitting through staff meetings, and wow, that place is remarkable.  My children are prayed for by name, by more people than just Dallas and I.  I have no doubt God has His hand on our children's education.  Still, when they ride to school everyday, so does a piece of my heart.

We are excited for another great year.  It's always so neat to see them flourish (a theme at TCS this year) over the school months.  Watching them grow and learn is a treat.  Here we go, girls!

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