Friday, April 29, 2011

Brother Bear.

Charlie at 8 months old!!

While the girls still absolutely adore their brother, that may change soon as he is starting to move it. While he still doesn't roll over (lazy!), he maneuvers his way from point A to point B by scooting, stretching, sitting up, sitting closer, stretching, and a little scoot.

He is still the absolute happiest baby. Ever.

His smile is still to die for. And his eyelashes too.

We gave him table food the other night, and he was in complete disgust with us. He wrinkled up his nose and shook his head while gagging.

While he started off as a wonderful sleeper, he is waking up from time to time during the night. Not sure if he's hungry or just looking for some company. I'm guessing he just wants to see his mommy or daddy. I'm blessed enough to see him all day, so don't really feel the need to see him during the night too! :)

He is 3/4 of the way to one year. Crazy!


  1. He is sooo cute! I wish I could be there to hold him! Love his smile. I know I can wait for the crawling stage though!
