Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 1 (

I finally feel as though we turned a corner. Our extreme craving for sugar is gone, and we are feeling more content in our food. Last night we were at a party with chips & dips and cupcakes staring at us, and it wasn't super tempting! Part of it is the mindset; you know you can't have it so don't bother wishing you could.

The week has been so good in realizing a)how good we have it! and b)how much we desire more than we need. We have all our nutritional needs met and aren't necessarily hungry, yet we have so wanted more. We've been crabby, tired, impatient, and discouraged...all in the name of food. Kind of sad, isn't it? Food definitely has more power and value in my life than I ever desire again.

Now, time for confession:

Brandon & Nicole (also doing seven) came to church with us last night. Much to our delight, we had communion! When the communion plate came to our row, we looked at each other with a sparkle in our eye and said, "grape juice!" We held our communion, did our thing with the Lord, no giggles, nothing else said about grape juice.

When we drank our grape juice, different story. I felt as though I was 8 years old, back in church, having the giggles with my friend. When the grape juice went in, Nicole & I both started laughing and laughing (insert some snorting too). The itty bitty cup of grape juice has never tasted so good! As Nicole put it, "it tasted like candy."

Maybe it's because we are deprived of caffeine, hungry, down 5 pounds, tired, whatever the was stinkin' funny! Communion has never tasted so good.

Now, hear me. I totally and completely understand the sacrament of the Lord supper. I am so thankful for the blood shed for me. Okay, I am. As I said, this is a confession (i am sorry!)!

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! It was funny and yes way inappropriate sorry Lord please forgive us for laughing. But Thank you for giving me a totally awesome friend that we can share the joy of grape juice with :)
