Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

It is the Sunday after our Christmas marathon.  The kids are busy and happy playing with their new toys, I'm putting everything away and doing dishes from the past few days, Dallas is assembling, burning boxes, and inserting lots and lots of batteries, and all of us have the delighted sigh of another fantastic Christmas.

We worked hard on house projects and festivity preparations up until the 23rd.  And come 4:00, I said I am done and entirely enjoying now.  I didn't do kitchen work or clean up.  We just relished in the sweet moments and soaked it all in.  Of course there were some tears, fits, and fighting; don't they get Christmas is magical and they are supposed to be perfect those days?!  Life still happened.  Dallas got shingles for Christmas and kids had meltdowns here and there.  But overall, it was great!

We kicked it all off on the 23rd with our special Christmas meal; ham balls, mashed potatoes, real deal frozen corn, Grandma's canned peaches, rolls, and a special chocolate layered cake with peppermint ice cream.  This has become a huge deal to the kids, from getting out the goblets and sparkling juice, to receiving their annual Christmas ornament.  This year Maleah got a violin, Layla got dolphins, Charlie got a Nellie looking puppy, and Ruby got Olaf.  We also stoked a fire in the fireplace this year, and I feel that could be a new tradition coming on.  Dallas can't wait to add another tradition to our list.  :)

Christmas Eve morning we headed to Rod and Bonnie's.  It was a fun time with all the cousins, and Santa coming is always a highlight.  It's fun (and funny!) to see the kids' reactions and so magical as their eyes grow larger than life.

With her cradle made by Grandpa Rod.

While we were opening presents, a most beautiful snow fell.  It was gorgeous, warm, and allowed for a delightful "white Christmas."

We headed to Christmas Eve church service, and then back home for our own little family celebration.  Ruby fell asleep on the way home, and we didn't even consider not doing our special evening without her.  She is two, and next year will do just fine! :)  In fact, we were able to fully enjoy it with the big kids.  It was a near perfect evening.

Dallas popped his delicious popcorn, we had little smokies, and bottles of pop.  We sat in the living room and enjoyed our snacks, then handed out gifts.  The kids were each absolutely tickled with every present they got.  What a feeling of sweet success that is for a Momma!  

They played and played until about 9:30 when Dallas commented that if Santa goes by and sees our lights on, he won't stop.  Layla ran around the house and turned off all the lights, we put out cookies and milk, got snuggled into Christmas jammies, and while we tried to tuck the kids into bed, Charlie said, "Just go!  Santa's coming!"

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