Tuesday, November 22, 2011

sick & tired (of being sick & tired!).

Last month I was struck with strep throat. (while dallas was in the field outrageous hours of the day & night, with the kids, all by myself)

Two weeks ago we were all struck with the dreaded stomach flu. (charlie with the flu=vomit EVERYWHERE):

it was a lot of laying around:

you know, when you are so miserable you will lay anywhere, even the kitchen floor:

Then today, we discovered sweet pea Maleah has pneumonia:

She has a horrific cough, doesn't eat a thing (has lost 2 pounds in 6 days), and feels super punk. We spent 3 hours at the doctor this morning between x-rays, blood tests, and visiting with the doctors/nurses coming up with a plan.

I can not believe I am saying this but: it all hasn't been that bad. Of course I hate being sick and seeing my lovies sick, but everyone's attitudes have been very good. I am so thankful for that.

Having said that, we are ready for good health!! Next year we'll say, "remember last year...when we had strep, flu, and pneumonia in one month!" Sounds great to be talking in hindsight.

We will be sticking around here until Maleah heals a bit. I got lots of movies at the library today, and I am looking forward to snuggling and hanging low (but incredibly sad to be missing Thanksgiving day with family!).

Hope you all are healthy!!!

p.s. i felt so weird taking pictures of us sick. but remember, this is my 'diary' and i want to look back and say 'wow - remember that!' sorry if it seems strange to you. it's for 'documenting' purposes only. :)


  1. Oh no! I hate that your family's not feeling well, but am glad everyone's in good spirits! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I hope you all are feeling much much better! talk to you soon!!
