Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Resolutions

I prefer to call resolutions goals.  How about you?  Resolutions seem to only last for a bit.  Seems as if resolutions are to be a sudden change.  But in my mind, a goal is something to work towards.  It might not happen in the month of January, where a resolution would, but I can make steps to eventually attain my goal, even if only by the end of this year.

Last year was spectacular, but that isn't to say there aren't some things 
I want, and need, to change for 2014...

(in no particular order)

1. I have started teaching music at Timothy Christian once a week (sharing the position with another).  My goal is to instill a love of music in each of those kids.  It has gone well so far, but it is hard.  Some of those kids don't think they like music (but they like listening to the radio, I bet).  They are in music class because they have to be.  I feel bad for them.  My goal is to make music fun, relatable, relevant, and something they enjoy.  I want to really cultivate some of the talent there, and make music come alive to them.  I am super excited (and nervous) for this challenge. 

2. Technology.  I feel like I need to tap into available technology more.  I'm not a tech savvy, and don't really desire to be.  But, I do feel like there are so many resources available through technology that I'm not even aware of, or scared to learn about.  I want to utilize my resources well, and learn more about technology this year. 

3. Again, on my list of "goals" is to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Am I the only one tired of every year wanting to eat better, exercise more, and maintain a healthy weight?  I feel like I am on my way to that again, after having baby, but want to keep on that track.  Hear me: I do not need to be skinny.  No offense to y'all, but I think this area of life can go a little too far.  I want to always have a good, healthy balance.  I want to be a good example to my children, protect the body God gave me, and use nutrition to my advantage, letting it fuel me.  But, I never want to become consumed with it.  Along with this, I have some fitness goals this year again.  I hope to do another sprint triathlon or two, and maybe even a half marathon.  Did I just say that??

4. This year, I want to be more intentional, in all areas of my life.  I want to be intentional with my children, having time every day to sit with them, read with them, play with them, and not be too busy for them.  I want to be more intentional with sending cards, getting gifts, finding out about the lives of the MOPS mamas, intentional with the people I serve alongside at church, loving my husband, having an open home, intentional about what I put into my mouth and what I do with my time.  Intentional.  I think that will be my word for 2014.

5. Schedule.  I love and hate a schedule.  I love a schedule when things are array, and hate a schedule when it gets mundane.  Oh, the balance.  However, I am going to be very purposeful about a cleaning and meal planning schedule.  I don't need the perfect kept up home, but I do want my kids to help clean and understand it is a matter of respect for our home and our belongings.  I want taking care of things to be a way of life, not a chore.  I think a schedule helps us with this.

6. Oh, the budget.  We do so well following it, then we get a little lax.  Kind of like that schedule; it's comforting to have boundaries, but boring when they get too tight.  We are going to get back on the ol' cash system.  For just a few months, we are going to be really strict about it, and just see what that does for us (the meal planning schedule helps immensely).  Thankfully, money doesn't have to be on the forefront of our mind, but it's so nice to own the money, not the money own you.  So, we are going to be more purposeful in that area again.  Being an adult comes with great responsibility, doesn't it.

7. Lastly, I am going to follow the challenge my sister laid out for me, and try to blog every day.  It's not always going to be heartfelt, or perfectly grammatical.  But, as the other sister said (man, I love having sisters), we will never regret documenting these days, even if only for a single photo a day.

I have some lofty challenges laid out in front of me.  I'm fully aware I will probably fail at some, or many, points.  I look forward to 2014, and really enjoy the fresh start, a time to really think about what I want this year to entail, and then setting up my days so I can execute that well.  Here goes! 

What are your 2014 resolutions?

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