Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sam's Club

Dallas is still in his insanely busy busy season.  He hasn't been home for any meals, so the kids and I just make do nearly every day.  Last night as Dallas crawled into bed and I was half asleep, he asked, "Marissa?  Can you please go shopping tomorrow and get some food?"  I died laughing.  He noticed making do is hardly even getting the job done these days.

So, this morning I took a BIG trip to Sam's Club.  As in, two carts trip.  Like, $600 trip.  Couldn't see over my cart trip.  Yes, it was big.

We only go to Sam's two to three times a year, but when we do we stock up.  Thankfully we have the largest deep freezer you've ever seen (we joke the house was built around it), so it allows me to buy enough frozen fruit and waffles to last awhile.

One lady said to me, "I've never seen a cart so full."  Thanks for stating the obvious, Ma'am.  I responded, "I'll be glad I don't have to spend my summer at the grocery store."  Also obvious.

On the way home, I told Dallas that the first one to make the statement, "There's nothing to eat!" will starve for the day and then some.

I love Sam's.  Buying in bulk is therapeutic.  The end.

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