Friday, January 28, 2011

Party On!

Oh dear husband of mine. That tractor. I am so proud of you for working so hard on it. You are so diligent, hard working, and so eager to learn. That is why you took on such a huge project! When you came in looking far worse than this picture portrays, I had to remind myself to be thankful things like this don't happen more often than not. But why oh why did it have to happen 3 hours before we were expecting 20+ people over for supper to celebrate Layla's birthday! We went back and forth while you were getting a CATscan (we praise God you got hit at the perfect spot! Not a centimeter up or over - eye socket or sinuses). Party on. Party off. But the final decision was: party on! That meant this momma moving like crazy with three little babies under foot. No biggie. Charlie had a blowout which equaled change of clothes, and everything fell off my bathroom wall and broke. Like I said, no biggie. Not only did the party happen. It was wonderfully successful! Our little 2-year-old was happy as a clam.

Layla sang right along with everyone else. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. She absolutely loved her cake, as did all the cousins. We had to make sure Elmo was evenly distributed.

We are so blessed! 11 nieces and nephews (with one more on the way)! And every single one of them was there to celebrate with us. Makes for quite the *noisy* crew!

And, the birthday girl with her sparkly birthday shirt saying "Cheese!" I loved celebrating you, sweet girl. Your spunk and zest for life is contagious. You made your party fun.


  1. I love Layla's spunk and zest too! And that sass...oh the sass! Happy Birthday little Layla girl!

  2. what a sweet blessing!! we love you Layers!

  3. LOVE that last picture of Layla. What a girl!
