Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fun with Friends.

What a wonderful day.
A day with this friend does a world of good for my heart:

Erin and Eli came at 8:30 this morning. When we get together, we get together. Why wait? They stayed until 4:30 and we relished every moment together. We enjoyed food, okay lots of food, and conversation with one another. Erin understands me in a unique way, we are able to talk about really important things or things that mean absolutely nothing, and I love her insight and life experiences she's had and shares with me.

It always helps when the cutie patooties love being together:

The amazing Papa gave tractor rides. The three rode at the same time. Erin and I sat in the van and chatted. It was perfect:

Who needs to go to school when you have these kind of field trips available? Again, what a great papa. And are they not the cutest little students:

A lot of hard work and play calls for some relaxation and a snack:

Maleah was nodding off sitting straight up at 5:00 tonight. Today was f-u-n.

I'm going to leave you with this:
Do they look alike? Not at all. Do they look incredibly happy? Absolutely. Do they look ever so grateful for one another? Certainly, they do.

I have loved, and learned so much, from walking with Erin through her journey to find her little boy. We were talking today about his life, his birth mom, where he would be right now. His life was literally saved when Jim and Erin went to Ethiopia to rescue him. What a gift. And, what a gift he has given everyone he meets. His spunky personality and bigger than life smile puts all the reservations behind. You can not look at this little boy and not thank God for his place within the Weimer family.

Are they aware they could have troubles? Of course! But guess what, so could my children! What middle-schooler doesn't go through "identity" issues (if that's what you call it). Life isn't guaranteed to be peachy for them, just because they did this grand, heroic act. But they did provide little Eli food, a home, family, life.

This picture of Eli with his momma shows that it works. It's a design only the Lord can orchestrate.

1 comment:

  1. He is ADORABLE! (your girls too, of course. :) )
    What an awesome and encouraging testimony they have. Sounds like you have some great friends. :)
