Monday, June 20, 2011

To Our Parents

Mother's Day and Father's Day weekend came and went and I didn't have a special post to our parents. But that isn't to say Dallas and I didn't talk and talk about how incredibly blessed we have been by the generation before us.

Mom & Dad:

I have always felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I feel so proud to call you my parents.

Mom, all my friends rant and rave about you, and I totally get why. And they don't even know you like I do. You are the most caring person I know. Your hospitality makes everyone feel spoiled rotten. You have always made your family first. My children adore you. We can talk for hours. I feel so comfortable being in your presence. Your heart for taking people under your wing is incredible. You have given me the best example of a woman after God's own heart, and I can not thank you enough. I'm not even sure if you have any idea how much I love you. Know that you are a treasure to me, my husband, and my children.

Dad, I love when people say we are a lot alike. Like you is exactly what I want to be. You have always shown us what it means to work hard. I remember you having me dress up in high school for tests, so my performance would be at its very best. And everytime we walked out the door we would hear, "Go hard!" I'm pretty sure I was drawn to Dallas because he reminds me so much of you. Thank you for showing me what a great guy is and setting the bar high. While you are so practical and logical, I love how I feel so cared for by you. I love your sensitive side and your stoic side. More than anything, I love to make you proud.

My mom and dad in-law:

I love hearing Dallas laugh as he tells me stories of his childhood. Sounds like you had some really great times as a family! Your sacrifice to give your children your very best did not go unseen. Dallas felt so taken care of and loved. Thank you for showing him the value of work ethic and responsibility. Now he can give his children the same feeling of security as he supports his family and works hard to provide our every need.

More than anything, know that you guys gave me the best gift I've been given here on this earth. That is my husband. Thank you so much for birthing him, raising him, and letting him go. Being a mom now, I understand the amount of trust that goes with handing off your children. Thank you so much for trusting me with your son. Know that I adore him. I have an incredible amount of respect for him. I love him to absolute pieces and will do whatever it takes to give him a lifetime of happiness.

Love to you all,

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