Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of School.

The first day of school was a smashing success.  Hallelujah! 

Timothy starts the year with chapel for the whole family.  It was such a great way to kick things off.  I was standing in the back of the gym with another mom friend, and in marched Maleah's class.  Oh boy...enter: the waterworks!  It just hit me that this is what she/us are going to be doing for the next 15+ years of her life.  I suddenly realized that my five years with her at home were gone.  But more than sadness, guilt, questioning myself, and all those things that come naturally, I felt so proud. 

I remembered back to when she was two years old.  She was mean!  She drew blood multiple times on her cousin, Anna.  She thought she was the queen of the house and king of the hill.  Dallas and I didn't give up on her, but rather stuck it out with her, disciplining hard and consistently, because we loved her way too much to let her be that way.  Now, watching her walk into school, she has the most tender heart of any five year old I know.  She gives away her most prized possessions, prays as though the Spirit is flowing right from her, will do anything to make someone happy, and is the last person to hurt someone's feelings.  Is she perfect?  No way!  But, am I so proud of the little lady she has become?  Absolutely.

Affirmation overwhelmed me as I watched her go.  I feel we have spent our days at home well, and with daily help and the grace of God, I felt so pleased with the little person we have molded and shaped over the last five years.  Of course there are things I haven't done well, and I wish I would have spent some of my time differently as a mom, but overall I was feeling the peace of resting in the privilege of raising and loving our little girl.

I would love to say that chapel time was so sweet, but let's be real.  Charlie was running around and Layla was dropping things out of my purse onto the clankity chairs.  Oh, the joys.

I thought Layla and Charlie would miss her.  Boy, was I wrong.  Layla didn't want us to leave her at school, but as soon as we got home, they quickly realized they could buddy up and use this to their advantage.  I was so thrilled, thinking Charlie and Layla were actually enjoying each other's company (this happens rarely!!), when really the peace and quiet was because they had locked themselves in Maleah's room and got into her finger nail polish, make-up toys, hair things, etc; all the things Maleah "hides."  Charlie's finger nails were painted and they both looked so beautiful.  Go ahead, laugh out loud.  Those little stinkers!

Maleah made her way home on the bus fine with the held of Mrs. Bader, and bounced up the sidewalk, all smiles.  Thank you, Lord!

Last night at supper, I asked each of the kids their favorite part of the day.  Maleah's answer was, "Getting off the bus and seeing Mommy."  Precious child.  It's possible the tears came again.   :)

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