Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Charlie!

We are celebrating our Charlie boy today!  It's crazy to think he is two already.  I can't decide if it seems he should be a baby yet, or if he's been here for forever.  What I do know if that he has been an absolute treasure to our family., so,so cute!
I had many people over the years say I needed a boy.  There was just something about them, and I needed some toughening up...add a little rough around my edges.  Well, let me tell you; I got my boy!  This little man was born with a motor (rumbles the lips), throws everything, and grunts and giggles at anything that moves.  I would love to say he loves balls and tractors, but let's be real.  The boy is obsessed with all things farm!  There is no room in his little mind for anything but tractors, semis, 4-wheelers, and trucks.

There is something about this little boy.  I don't know if it's his gender, the fact that he's a baby, or how his life came to be, but I feel an incredible bond with my son.  I absolutely adore him, and yes, needed my boy.

The last year has been so fun!  It was also hard.  He doesn't exactly sit, he escapes outside, unlocks doors, climbs on the couch, and is filthy dirty, constantly.  But, I am so thankful for his incredibly pleasant demeanor.  He is the happiest little guy.  Can you tell I love him to pieces?

Let's take a gander over his short little 2-year old life, shall we?  Ahhhh.....the memories.

Meeting my little boy.  An instant love I can't describe.

The night Charlie came home.  This picture seriously cracks me up.  Layla is looking at him like she's got big plans for him. 
Classic favorite.

Adoring our son.

He made us a family of five.  We are so blessed.

First birthday cake, and loving it!

Charlie on 1st birthday.
Charlie on his 2nd birthday.
Happy Birthday to our baby, my sweet little boy!  You are so incredibly loved, Charlton. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of School.

The first day of school was a smashing success.  Hallelujah! 

Timothy starts the year with chapel for the whole family.  It was such a great way to kick things off.  I was standing in the back of the gym with another mom friend, and in marched Maleah's class.  Oh boy...enter: the waterworks!  It just hit me that this is what she/us are going to be doing for the next 15+ years of her life.  I suddenly realized that my five years with her at home were gone.  But more than sadness, guilt, questioning myself, and all those things that come naturally, I felt so proud. 

I remembered back to when she was two years old.  She was mean!  She drew blood multiple times on her cousin, Anna.  She thought she was the queen of the house and king of the hill.  Dallas and I didn't give up on her, but rather stuck it out with her, disciplining hard and consistently, because we loved her way too much to let her be that way.  Now, watching her walk into school, she has the most tender heart of any five year old I know.  She gives away her most prized possessions, prays as though the Spirit is flowing right from her, will do anything to make someone happy, and is the last person to hurt someone's feelings.  Is she perfect?  No way!  But, am I so proud of the little lady she has become?  Absolutely.

Affirmation overwhelmed me as I watched her go.  I feel we have spent our days at home well, and with daily help and the grace of God, I felt so pleased with the little person we have molded and shaped over the last five years.  Of course there are things I haven't done well, and I wish I would have spent some of my time differently as a mom, but overall I was feeling the peace of resting in the privilege of raising and loving our little girl.

I would love to say that chapel time was so sweet, but let's be real.  Charlie was running around and Layla was dropping things out of my purse onto the clankity chairs.  Oh, the joys.

I thought Layla and Charlie would miss her.  Boy, was I wrong.  Layla didn't want us to leave her at school, but as soon as we got home, they quickly realized they could buddy up and use this to their advantage.  I was so thrilled, thinking Charlie and Layla were actually enjoying each other's company (this happens rarely!!), when really the peace and quiet was because they had locked themselves in Maleah's room and got into her finger nail polish, make-up toys, hair things, etc; all the things Maleah "hides."  Charlie's finger nails were painted and they both looked so beautiful.  Go ahead, laugh out loud.  Those little stinkers!

Maleah made her way home on the bus fine with the held of Mrs. Bader, and bounced up the sidewalk, all smiles.  Thank you, Lord!

Last night at supper, I asked each of the kids their favorite part of the day.  Maleah's answer was, "Getting off the bus and seeing Mommy."  Precious child.  It's possible the tears came again.   :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Backpack Night/School Picnic

Last night, we had our first of many yet to come...backpack night and school picnic.  It was great to meet other families, see Maleah make friends, and touch base with other moms and dads.  Maleah was able to see her locker, meet the gal who she sits by (Macy), check out the classroom, and put her supplies away.  It was an exciting night, and provided me much relief! 
The big Kindergartner!!

Backpack of choice: Pinkalicious.  No surprise there.

Tomorrow might be a loooong day for little sis.  She keeps saying, "I won't be able to sleep."  Maleah reassures her, "I'll be here at night, just not for rest."  I'm excited to see how Layla steps up without Maleah around.

Can not believe I am a momma of a school-age child!  Long days, short years has never seemed so true.

By her locker.
Maleah with her teacher, Mrs. Bader.  We have heard remarkable comments about her, and last night she very much impressed me.  Phew!
Believe it or not, I am feeling much better about things than I thought I would.  I don't know if it's seeing everyone else go to school last week, knowing she is only going 3 days a week, or the cool weather, but I am in the mood for school!  We had a fantastic summer, and I feel totally at peace about tomorrow.  Hallelujah!  This is so not how I thought I would be holding up today.

We are laying low today, having Maleah's back-to-school supper choice tonight (steak, corn, watermelon, and peaches), doing baths, strawberry cake and ice cream, and early bedtime.  And so it begins....

Monday, August 20, 2012


About twice a year, I ask the girls a couple questions.  It is so funny, so sweet, and so interesting, to see what they say.  Here were the answers today (and with ZERO prompting)...

Maleah, age 5

What do you love?
Asher and Anna.
Going on vacation.
Going to the grocery store and buying popsicles.
My mom, dad, brother, sister.
Nana & Papa.
Grandma Bonnie - that she doesn't have to go to the doctor anymore, and Grandpa Rod.

What makes you cry?
Falling off the swing.
Falling on the cement.
When Anna goes home to Nebraska.
When Asher was on vacation.

 What makes you laugh?
When Grandma Bonnie pushes me on the swing.
When I fall off the slide.
When Layla dances funny.

What do you like to do?
Go on Maleah and Mommy dates.
Eating ice cream.
Buying my own things.
Baking with Mom.

What are your favorite foods?
Steak, mac & cheese, corn on the cob, meat, watermelon, grapes, pop, and ice cream.

Layla, age 3 1/2

What do you love?
When Nana gives me happy gum.
People that give me candy at the parades.
Baby Kaylee.
Our guests.

What makes you cry?
When Maleah hits me.
When I'm sad about Lyric and Elizabeth, Grandpa Charlton, and Grandpa Ralph.
That Isaiah broke his wrists.
When my eyes get in the sun.
Falling off the swing and breaking my arm.
When babies are sick.

What makes you laugh?
When someone falls down the slide.
When the monkey falls off the bed.

What do you like to do?
Swim, fun things, and go on vacation.

What are your favorite foods?
Corn muffins, peppers, mac and cheese, cantalope, deer sticks, brats, and popsicles.

There ya have it.  Pretty soon I'll be able to ask Charlie, but right now his answer for pretty much everything is either "Daddy,"  "Papa,"  or "Tractor."  The boy has a one track mind, and it's always on one of those things.   :)  

Monday, August 13, 2012

Minnesota Weekend Away.

Dallas and I had our last getaway before the busyness of harvest starts.  As Dallas says, "We play hard and work hard."  It seem like it ebs and flows so much; the busyness/laxness, stress/fun, long hours/flexibility.  It has taken me years to get the hang of it, but I think I can now declare that I'm in the groove.

Anyway, back to the weekend...

Our small group (minus two couples who couldn't make it, booo...) went to the cities (Minneapolis area) for the weekend.  It was so incredibly wonderful!  Our group has been together for three years now, with a few coming and going, so we have been incredibly blessed by how close-knit we have become over time.

We left Saturday morning and ventured to our first stop: Cheesecake Factory!  Doesn't good eats seem to be a common theme when together with friends?  We then checked into the hotel and played cards, before heading to Valleyfair!
Dave & Stacy.


Jon & Dana.
Fireworks while waiting in line for a roller coaster.  Super neat!

The two CRAZIES of the group.  This ride is in sane, and they were the only two brave souls!
Good conversation over coffee & min doughnuts.  Sweet times.

This girl got me to drink, and like, coffee!!  That is shocking news, folks!
See us?  The last 3 cars.  Jon and Dana in back, Stacy and stranger next, Dal and I in front.  Photo credit: Dave.  He was much more content with his feet on the ground.
It was so fun to be at an amusement park together.  We laughed and laughed, felt nauseated, snapped our necks in bumper cars and jerky coaster rides, hyperventilated climbing up Wild Thing, and ran from line to line.  Sounds bonding, doesn't it?

Sunday morning we went to Dave and Stacy's old church.  It was great, and so fun to see their old stomping grounds.  We followed that up with the most delicious lunch ever!  Stacy's brother owns a few restaurants, so we hit one up.  We started the meal with a banana cream waffle (let's be real, it was dessert).  Don't judge; we were on vacation!  We stopped at just one shop, then hit the road.

After stopping for apples, mango salsa, and good time BBQ sauce at a big, cute as can be, barn, we made out way of Minnesota via gravel roads.  We back-roaded our way down memory lane.  Over the course of the trip, Jon and Stacy realized they grew up going to the same lake/camp summer after summer.  We stopped to see the now run down place, and they were giggling in excitement over all the great memories the lake triggered.

Of course we had to stop, one more time, for snacks, then hit the road for home.  We all decided that the weekend was spectacular, but being together, visiting and sharing stories and life with one another, was the best part.

The kids had a wonderful time between both sets of grandparents (THAN YOU!!!), and it does me so good to know that while we are having a refreshing, fabulous time, so are they.  We all come back together with stories and giggles.  What a great weekend.

Top Notch Entertainment.

Have you ever been up close and personal with a crop duster?  I mean, really up close?  You feel as thought you need to duck when they come by.  It is the craziest thing.  We sat outside and had close to the best entertainment we've had all summer.

See the plane?  Right below the tree branch.

I just saw Maleah has hear ears plugged.  That puppy was LOUD.

I thought Charlie would LOVE it.  And he did, but from behind the tree.  He was "hiding" from the plane.  I can't really blame him.  I'm pretty sure I could have given the pilot a high-five a few times, and that's too close for comfort; even for the little buddy.
There ya have it.  High class, low dollar, entertainment! 

Disclaimer: I know full well how dangerous the spray can be.  Dallas had a horrible experience last year with being at the wrong place at the wrong time, and two ER visits later realized how bad it really can be.  But, we did not ever have even a whiff of it, as the wind was in the other direction.  Just had to put that out there.  :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

More garden yummies.

Last night we had more garden food.  It's so good (and a little tough) to have to use the food.  It's the only downside of a garden, I think.  When it is ready, there is loads!  You feel like you must eat it, and only it, until it's gone.  On the up side, it's so very healthy and I feel like we have saved on grocery money.  And, it challenges my creativity side.

Enter: Zucchini & Tomatoes.

I cut the zucchini length wise into halves, scooped out the jest of the seeds, and laid them on a cookie sheet.  I then mixed together olive oil and Paula Dean's silly salt (a must have that my mom gave me for Christmas one year!).  I brushed it on the zucchini.

Next, I sliced up tomatoes and laid them on top of the greased up zucchini.

Put it in the oven, at 350, for about 35 minutes.  Then, add some mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese and bake for about 7 minutes more.  Next, put under the broiler for about 5 minutes.  You are left with perfectly baked cheese, soft, but not too soft, zucchini, juicy tomatoes, and a delicious supper!

We thought it tasted like a Margarita pizza from Italy!  Well....close, at least.
